Thursday, December 24, 2009

'Twas the day before Christmas and All through the house everyone was stirring... even the mouse...

So tonight is Christmas eve which we always celebrate by going to Grandma Kay's house for dinner and then to exchange gifts. This year we decided to do as we did last year and have all the cousins draw each other's names. I drew Jacob's name. I hope he doesn't read this before tonight. Anyways, so I have gotten him some cool presents and I'm very excited to give them to him. Tonight we also are going to our church's Christmas eve service that they have at church every year.
Also we did get to go shopping for Mom's Christmas present last night. I can't say what we got her yet, but hopefully I will be able to show you some pictures tomorrow. I just can't wait for Mom, Dad, and Alex to open the gifts I have for them. It's going to be SO fun. The only thing that could make Christmas any better is SNOW! I want it to snow really badly, we never ever get snow on Christmas, and it would be so fun if there would be snow. I remember on Christmas last year I went outside to feed the cats and there was NO snow... this year I want SNOW.
I have done quite a bit of decorating in my room this year for Christmas. I have my dresser that is filled with Santa's, and angels. My Christmas tree... loaded with ornaments and presents all around the bottom. A glass Christmas house that lights up, and then something else new this year.
I even decorated my window! I put Merry Christmas, and added a naughty and nice list to the bottom so Santa would know who to give more presents. :) Bud also made the naughty list this year... ha ha ha. Well that's about all for now :) I have been cleaning all day, Mom and Dad have been napping on and off, and Alex has just been playing video games and playing on the computer like normal. So I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve, and A MERRY CHRISTMAS! I'll try very hard to post tomorrow. :) love, Rach.

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