Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Fashion Favorites!!! Busy Day #28,29,and the last... #30!

So I'm finally getting to blog... but it's a good thing that I waited. While we were on our basketball trip I found a new bathing suit at the mall. Here is my new swim suit upgrade...This was my bathing suit before, and this is my new one. I got it at Justice, they had a lot of cute things on sale. This was the cutest one on the rack! I'm so excited to go swimming, and wear it!!
To continue my summer fashion favorites... Here is a cute outfit that I wore Sunday!!
These are my CUTE shoes that grandma Kay gave me. They didn't quite make it in the picture, and they go really well with this outfit.
Here is my cute skirt ( from who knows where) and my cute shirt from Aeropostale'. I really liked this outfit. And since I didn't tell you about Sunday since I was busy I thought I would do that now. After Sunday school, and church we came home I got Bud out and he played, while mom mowed the yard, and I washed the van. It felt SO good. It was cold and the van looks shiny. After I finished all of that It was almost time to go to youth. So we had dinner and then headed to church. Youth was SO fun because a bunch of my friends were there. We did this really cool activity. After youth it was our Sunday to have nursery. So we had Emily and Lucas. It was fun, and after church we went to the baseball field to watch Alex's practice. It was really fun because we went on a walk with Jill. As we were walking past this house a little kitten started following us, and It was SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! It was maybe the cutest cat I'd ever seen. It followed and followed and followed, and finally Mom let me pick it up and we carried it back up to the field. Once we were there everyone wanted to know where he came from and why I had him. Everyone petted him too. After practice Jill ran me back by the area the cat started following us and we dropped him off. I was sad, but we did the right thing I do believe. When we we came home from practice I started packing and getting ready for Drury basketball camp!
This is one of my favorite pairs of flip flops. They are from Old Navy, and are very comfortable.
I love this new purse that I got. While we were at the state tournament last weekend we went to JC Penny and I found this cute bag on sale for 20$. I was so excited!
This is another one of my favorite pairs of flip flops, they are Nike's, and they too are very very comfortable.
Here are some of my shirts that I like. This is a new one that I got a few weeks ago. It is really cute and goes with this one pair of shorts really well.
This is also a shirt that I got for my birthday. It is cool and very comfortable.
I also like this pink shirt from American Eagle. Bree gave me this for my birthday last year.
Here is another outfit that I just pieced together last week. I have been looking for a shirt to go with these Bermudas and this tank top goes good. It too is very comfortable and flexible.
I LOVE this outfit, I got these shorts from JC Penny last summer and I wear them alot. I think I got this shirt from Bree too.
This was me Sunday night before youth. So now I guess I should tell you about our Drury basketball camp! We had a really good time... we won 4 and lost 3. Monday we played a game early in the morning against Glendale and lost. Then we had another game shortly after, against Central and won. We had a lunch break after game #2 at Subway. Then we had another game around 1 o'clock and lost against Central's varsity. They were good and had some big girls. Then in the fourth game we played at 3 something and lost against Republic. They were really good too, and we were really tired. After we finished our fourth game we went to the hotel that we were staying at.... Lamplighter Inn, settled in then went swimming.
It was SO hot and the pool felt SOOO good. This is Kelsie, Josie, Bree, Gina and Me. We had a good time swimming and then relaxing in the hot tub. We came back to the room and got changed up, and headed out to dinner. We chose Mexican villa, and it was yummy! But I got a really bad stomach ache afterwards. It cleared up though after we went to the mall. While we were at the mall is where I found my bathing suit. We did a lot of just looking around and browsing. After the mall we went to Cold Stone Creamery and got ice cream. It was really good and felt nice to be outside. After we finished up with the ice cream we went to Wal-Mart. While we were there we did some fun stuff while the adults shopped. When we finally finished up there we went back to the hotel to clean up and go to bed.
This morning we got up and went to breakfast were I had a waffle. We got all packed up and ready to go, then had a group picture before we left. This is our team. From L to R : Allie, Gina, Kelsi, me, Bree, Josie, Ashley, Coach, and Garret.
I don't have any idea what any of these pictures are of, but I thought I would post them anyways. In our first game against Rogersville we won by 6. Our game was at 10:50.
Then we had a long break until 3:50. So we went back to the mall and had lunch at Chick-fil-a. After lunch we went around the mall some more. I bought ring and a gumball with my leftover change. We met back up with the adults later and we went back to Drury. Our second game we played against Nixa 2, and won by several points. We played Nixa 1 in the third game, and also won by several points. There was only one game between game#2 and game#3.
After the game we headed out and went to Wal-Mart again, except this time it was just Mom, Me, Tracey, and Bree. While Mom was looking at curtain stuff Bree and I decided to sit and rest in some rocker chairs. They were really comfortable and let us have a place to sit and relax.

Now one more thing that I thought I would show you... as it is one of my favorite summertime things. Is my bath and body works body spray. This is the best smell too. Pink Grapefruit. I love it and after stinking so bad from all this sweat. It smelled really good.

So here is a re-cap of my last few days and then my Summertime Fashion Favorites! Have a great Day!! You should share your summertime fashion favorites too!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time. I love your new swim suit! Your team did great. That had to be fun. We missed you. Kay

L.lovely said...

HEy Rach! Thanks for my blog comments. It's good to be back in the blogging world! :]] Well those pictures are awesome and it makes me miss you and Bree soooooooooo much!! We should so do a slumber party!!!!!!!! YEAH!! Okay luv ya! :]