Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Relaxing Day #1

Ahhhh.... It feels so good to just be at home. Today we didn't do anything at all. Well... I did do a few things. I slept in until 9:30 and have done some stuff on the computer. We had corn dogs for lunch and then I cleaned and did laundry. At 4 or so we went over to Kay's house and watched some TV. When we came home we found that I had softball practice at 6. So I went to that for an hour and then went to youth. It was really good, we played basketball. After youth I went home and we changed into our swimming suits to go to the pool. It was really fun. We had a whole bunch of people there so we were able to play lots of fun games and do things. It was around 10:30 I think before we got home. Then I showered, while mom made me some dinner. After dinner I folded some laundry, put it away and now I'm blogging!!! I'm SO tired. It is almost mid-night. Ahhh... well see you in the morning. Hope you have a nice relaxing day too. Relaxing day #2. Ha Ha.
PS. The pictures are not ones that I've taken, but ones that I found of Gulf Shores... where we are going on vacation. Ya!!

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