Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy Day #7 - Messy Room Now Clean

Finally! Finally my room is CLEAN! So here are the after pictures. I actually may have gone a little over the top. I posted pictures of like every inch of my room. Some things like decorations and things I wanted to show you, and then I just kinda didn't want to leave any part out... so here it all is.
This in on my dresser. I put some new pictures in my frames, and tried to hide my bathroom stuff behind my decorations.
Same thing here. I now have a nice spot to keep my body spray and deodorant.
This is my book shelf slash TV area. I have my scrapbooks on one side and then more storage on the other. I have books, some decorations, my Francesca Battistelli CD, and some other things.
Here is the top of my other dresser. I have some pictures, a little jewelry box, and a room freshener. I thought this little section was really cute.
Here is my green shelf, I just switched the pictures out, and rearranged.
This is my little nook, with my chair, doll house, cool lamp, and the dresser.
I wanted to show you my bulletin board also. I have pictures of me and my friends, my basketball number, a picture that Sydney drew me, some bible verses, a true love waits sheet, and some bead things.
This section of my bulletin board has some pictures that Leona drew me, one of a camel, and one of my name. Then there is a no bake cookie recipe, a sewing thing, and my paper clip collection.
On this part I have a booklet of bible verses, a picture that Leona colored for me, a valentine from Bree, a picture of me, beads, a ticket from a college basketball game I went to, wrist bands from baseball tournaments, numbers of baseball players that hit home runs, and the rest of my paper clip collection.
Here is the top of my desk, I put new pictures under the glass. I tried to get all of my friends and cousins in. I have pictures from track, the super bowl party, mom's birthday, basketball 2 years ago, this fall, and three summers ago. Also here is my cool pen collection, sometime I will have to do a post and show you all of my awesome pens. I also have this cute little basket thing that holds my note pads, blank Cd's, and other things.
Here is my section of my desk that I saved and put pictures and poems, and things that my friends gave me. The one with the animals is from Leona, the Rachel acrostic is from Bree, and the 10 picture is from Bethany. The other little picture is from Leona too.
This picture frame I got for my birthday, and I was kinda upset because I didn't have any pictures to put in there. But while I was cleaning I found a few pictures that I had developed of me and Bud that were really cute. So I decided to put this one in the frame. I LOVE it. He is so cute and it sits right on my desk where I can see him all the time.
I also put together this little board that goes behind my computer. I liked it because I could put up more pictures and things. I have one of me and Bud that is SO cute, one of me and Bethany, one of Dad and Alex, a gift certificate, a picture of me and cat, and one of me and Bree.
This is my little set up. I love how small my computer is, it leaves room for all this stuff and had only 1 cord. Way more attractive.
This is the printer, my Cd's, and my calender. I have all of my practices and things written down here.
This is my desk from a distance. I moved some things from the top of my desk. I have my purple chair, and my pink butterfly trash can. I like both of them. See... with out that computer tower it is so much more open.
I couldn't get rid of my pallet on the floor. I moved it more to one side, and cleaned things up a bit. I just like the position and feeling of it. So I think I will leave it for a little longer.
This is me this after noon after a long day of cleaning and riding four wheelers.
In my closet I did a lot of work, starting with the top, I de-junked the top. I threw out all the junk that I shove up there.
Here I didn't do too much, just picked up things and hung them in their proper place.
Here I got all of my shoes under control. Now they aren't all over the room. I have then nicer ones in the top green bin, and the not so nice ones on the bottom of the pink rack. The top of the rack has tennis shoes only. Then the bottom green bin has bags, purses, and things like that. I now have all of my clothes hung up.
This is my doll house. Not much to say... just that I dusted them and re-aligned them.
Here is the top.
My night stand... I have a box of pink tissues on bottom, a couple notebooks, and a photo album on the second section along with a picture of me and Courtney McCool. She was a gymnast that was in the Olympics. I got to go and see her speak.
Here I have my purse lamp, a clock, some Mary Kay lotion, and a picture of me.

This is my bed. The real bed that I never use. I am hopefully get back in the habit of using it again soon. But for now the floor is fine. I just like it down there. I hope that you feel better knowing my room is clean.

Here is how the rest of my day went. As I was cleaning I took a lot of breaks. I guess you knew that seeings how it took me... what 4 days to finish. I have little bit of A.D.D. So I rode my four wheeler today, I got Bud out and he played quite a bit. Then I went to youth and we went to church. Then after that we came home and got ready to go to the pool. I really wanted to get in but it was so cold that I couldn't make myself. So I just sat and watched. I wish I would have now, but it's okay. So I hope you have a nice night!! I'm exhausted!! :) Rach

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