Monday, June 8, 2009

Busy Day #8

Well... I don't have a whole lot to say. I'm pretty tired though from getting up at 6 this morning to go to weights. We didn't go for very long though... so It wasn't too bad. After weights I went to the carpet store. While I was there I cleaned, a lot. We cleaned out all the corners and got rid of all the junk... well most of it. After we got everything out we vacuumed and dusted, and started to organize some things in their office area. I also took a whole bunch of plans from houses and alphabetized them. So even after I had done all of my cleaning at home... I went and cleaned some more. I actually had a really good time though. After I got done cleaning we went to Sonic and got some lunch. I got a chicken sandwich and some cheddar puffs. Tomorrow I will be out at the store again. For the rest of the day I played catch with Drew and Tate, and we even fielded some grounders. (Stephanie: tell Drew that it was a good thing we played catch and he threw me grounders this afternoon because we never got a call about softball practice and I missed it. So I got my own practice in this afternoon.). So as you just must have read, we didn't ever get a phone call saying that practice was moved from 8 to whenever it was and so Dad drove by the school and they were practicing. But by the time I would have been ready and got up there it would have already been almost over. Plus me and mom had both been asleep when he called so I would have had to been zoomy quick to get ready. So we just stayed home, and mom made some dinner. We had tacos for dinner and they were Delicious. But before dinner Alex and Dad had set a pop bottle out in the weeds and were shooting at it from the deck. I think they stopped that whenever they got Bud out. Alex claims that he shot a bird earlier but I don't know if I believe him. After dinner I was having some technical difficulties with my computer but I got them fixed thanks to dad! You can give him a round of applause. So now I'm just sitting blogging. I may do another post later. Right now I'm reading Genesis in the bible. I'm just reading like one or two chapters a night. Right now Adam and Eve just got kicked out of the garden. I like how my new bible that I got for my birthday puts things. It has all of these little questions and answer things. It's very helpful.

Have a nice evening!! PS. Good luck Drew and Tate @ your ball game.

-Rach :)

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