Saturday, June 6, 2009

Busy Day #6

Today actually hasn't been busy. I got to sleep in a little later than usual, but had to get up at around 8 so I could get ready and be at basketball camp by 9. It was pretty good, we got to do a little more of actual playing. Then after camp mom picked me up and we came home. She mowed part of the yard, and I've been working on my room. It still is not done, but I'm actually getting some work done. If I would get off of the computer then I could get more done. But with my own laptop, right here, ya know it's so hard not to blog. I actually have been listening to some music, and It was getting boring so I stoppted to change it, and some how I'm now blogging. But I've gotten a lot done today... I think. I moved the old dumpy computer out of my desk and put my new stylish Red laptop in its place. I changed out the pictures on my desk, and since I don't have that huge monitor I have tons of space for more decorations and things on my desk. I've also done alot of dusting. I did all of the nooks and crannys in my room, did a little in Alex's and even did a little in the bathroom. So I'm not totally wasting time. But you know how it is... I was dusting the book shelf, and knocked over on of my little decorations and it broke. So I had to stop and got try and fix it. Then I went and helped dad wash Bud. It was actually really fun. Except for when he shook and got wet dog all over me. We took some shampoo and really got him clean. I would have taken a picture but I couldn't. He is shedding all of him winter fur and getting ready for the really hot summer days. I don't know how many ticks we saw and picked off of him today. They were everywhere, on his legs, back, side, belly, neck. Poor tons of little nasty things sucking his blood. After we finished washing him up. Which by the way he looks so much whiter and not brown. After we finsihed washing him up, we went over to Chad and Christy's to see if they would like to come over for dinner. Which they are. So I have been trying to get things looking 1/2 way decent. I at least have all of my clothes hung up, and the things that need to be put in the closet in nice piles. The desk was a really big thing though. I will need to vaccum still, and maybe clean my mirror. But just some minor things that I will be able to do tomorrow. So If I don't post again tonight.... good night!!

-Rach :)


Anonymous said...

I would like to see you bathing Bud with your dad. I'm sure he feels lots better. Love your blog. Kay

GC said...

I'll bet it would have been fun to help wash Bud. But even funner to watch you doing it! Sleep tight. Love you. -GC