Friday, June 5, 2009

Busy Day #5

Busy day #5 has actually been pretty relaxing. I've been just been at home. I've worked on my room a Little but it's not done yet. So look for pictures later. I'm going to basketball camp soon.
So today has been very laid back compared to the last four days. We don't have weights on Friday's apparently... so I got to sleep in this morning. I think I didn't get up until around nine o'clock, and had a donut for breakfast. After that Alex, and Me got started on the chores that Mom had left for us to do before she got home from school. So we put some clothes in the dryer, folded several loads.Alex decided to skip summer school today since they were only going to the zoo, and stay home, rst and get some sleep.Then put them all away. We also watched a movie, a good movie always makes folding laundry more fun. Then we picked up our things from downstairs, cleaned up our rooms a little, and headed out for a walk. We got Bud out and took a nice walk to the neighbor's house. Steph and David's. We met up with the boys and had a nice little chat. In the end we wound up taking Bud home, feeding him, I made some Roman noodles, taquitos, and a burrito, we ate, changed, and then went up to Steph and David's to play in the water. They actually had a cool little baseball, slide game going on. I didn't really want to play but I volunteered to hold the hose, and spray them with water. So I was able to cool off and not get soaked at the same time. After this we came home and just hung around the house for a while. Mom got home at around 3, and she dropped me off at the store later. Dad took me to basketball camp... and Mom went to Wal-Mart, and Alex is at a friend's. Dad picked me up after camp and brought me home. He had been working on some yard stuff, so I watched him do that for a while, then decided to come in and call Mom. She showed up at the house shortly after. So she made us some YUMMY dinner, and then we watched an episode of Psych online. We had seen it before but I wanted to watch something. Now I'm sitting in bed, and will be going to sleep shortly after I finish this post. So I guess I will see you in the morning. I still have not finished cleaning my room, so It will not be until tomorrow afternoon that I show you pictures of my complete clean room, that will hopefully stay clean for a long long long long long long long TIME!!! So have a nice Day!
-Rach :)

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