Thursday, June 4, 2009

Busy day #4 and the Messy Room

I wanted to start off by showing you how incredibly messy my room is right now. I told you a little about it, but I wanted to share some pictures of how BAD it really is.
This is right in front of my closet. That laundry basket is full of clothes, school supplies, shoes, bags, and who knows what else. I have shoes, cleats, clothes, a rack, and some other miscellaneous things all on the floor. My plans for tonight and tomorrow are that I can get this disaster picked up.
Here is my real bed. There are tons of clothes, boxes, game boy, stuffed animals, things that I got for my birthday, everything is just stacked on top of each other.
Then here is the part of my room where you can actually see the floor. It's not too bad. Just an open drawer, some pillows on the floor, and that's it.
This isn't so bad either. I have some P.J.s, and a marker board on the floor, then my desk does have some papers, and things spread out on the desk. Also I have some things pushed in that top cabinet that need to find a new home.
Here is my "Bed", so to speak. As you can see, I have blankets to lay on, and some to cover up with, some pillows, and stuffed animal or two, and it's the perfect place. I'm right by the window, under the fan, in front of the TV, and close to the bathroom.
Here is my dresser. I have lots of clothes on the ground. Some books, and scrap booking things layed out on the ground. A coat, water bottle, shoes, sweats, scrapbooks, and then a bunch of junk on my dresser. It isn't actually so bad anymore. I know where things are and just throw the junk in an even bigger pile on my bed.
This is a closer look at my dresser. I have forgot the bathroom, and moved everything to my room. Since we have weights at 6:30 in the morning, I usually just get up put on some clothes, and have moved all my stuff nice and close for when I'm still sleepy. I have my makeup, deodorant, body spray, brush, stuff to wash my face with, the whole set up. So I don't even have to go in the bathroom in the mornings.

This is a better look at my closet, shoes, and clothes, and notebooks, and bags, everywhere. Only about 1/2 my clothes are hung up. The rest of them are either on the floor, or down stairs in a laundry basket. So now you all know what my room looks like when it is really messy!!

So today, I got up this morning to go to weights. Then papa took me to his house, and I just took a nap, and relaxed the whole afternoon. At 3 I went to have my physical done, and I'm good to go. Then we came home and I watched Bud and Princess play out in the yard for a while. At 5 I had to go to basketball camp. Mom came and got me at 7 and then we came home for a wonderful dinner of spaghetti, cheesy bread, green beans, and doughnuts for dessert. Today has been really good. I got to watch some TV shows that I hadn't got to in a long time, and also I took a nice nap. The best thing of all is that we have no weights tomorrow morning. I won't have to get up. I just get to sleep in, and clean my room. I'll have to show you some after pictures. Have a nice evening!!


1 comment:

GC said...

I have never seen your room look like that before! Good luck with that. My mom used to say I'd let mine get into that kind of shape, and then I'd dig in and deep clean and make it sparkle. Problem was, it didn't sparkle often. I still keep house the same way. We're off to Chattanooga, TN, today at some point. I'll drive home from there because the Zs and Hs are going to stay until Monday, I think. Love you ... GC