Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Busy Day #2 and 3

This is what I've done today...
Lift weights, and have basketball. Actually I had softball too.
So the last few days have been REALLY busy. Yesterday I had weights in the morning, then went to work. After we cleaned I went to the carpet store and hung out for the rest of the afternoon. Yesterday night I had two softball games. We lost the first game but 8 runs I think, and we won the second one by 1. It went into extra innings. We didn't get home til late, and then I woke up this morning and lifted weights and had open gym. After open gym, papa took me over to their house, and I took a LONG nap. At 2 I had to go home and get my stuff before going to softball practice and basketball camp. At 3 we had softball practice, and then I went with Bree strait to basketball camp. Basketball camp was okay. I'm really tired, we did a lot of running. Alex had two baseball games tonight. So I'm really sore and tired. Have a nice evening.

1 comment:

GC said...

Whew! If I weren't already tired, I would be after reading all you've done today! I just wanted to let you all know I rolled into Opelika about 1 a.m. and am staying at the Quality Inn. The Zumbiels and Hendersons were playing mini golf in Gulf Shores when I talked to them this afternoon. They will be home tomorrow and we will see the house. Since I knew they wouldn't be here today, I poked around at Mammoth Springs State Park in Arkansas, which I've been wanting to do but never had time on other trips here. It was a great day, but put me about 4 hours behind. Maybe tomorrow I can post photos and blog something. Right now, I think I'll go to sleep.
Love you! GC