Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just sittin'

Hey! Today has been really good. It's a 1/2 day and NO HOMEWORK!! Just thought I would update you... since it has been a while since my last post. Monday Me and Mom scrap booked all day long. I got almost all of my world series scrapbook DONE!!! I will have to show it to you sometime. It is turning out really good. Yesterday I had school, then track til 5:00 and softball til 7:00. So when I finally got home, I was very hungry. So we fired up the fire pit... and roasted some dogs. But before that Dad was making the fire and I decided I would try and blog real fast. But I noticed some other people had blogged. So I clicked on the link, and it wouldn't upload... so I closed out. Then all of a sudden all of these new pages started popping up out of nowhere! The counter at the bottom said 62 last I saw. I couldn't get out of them fast enough. So Dad shut the computer down real fast. By the time our cook out was over someone else was on the computer. So I decided to go upstairs and take a shower then come back and try for the computer again. I took my shower... still on the computer... studied for a test... still on the computer. Mom calls me down so we can pray... still on the computer. After we prayed I decided to just go upstairs and read a little then go to bed. But the computer was open so I just read a few blogs then went upstairs. So as you can see... I have had NO time to blog in the last few days. I will say though that last night was very fun! We all sat outside in the beautiful weather and roasted hot dogs. Today has just been very relaxing and stress free... the way I like it. The plans for this evening are to go to softball at 5:30 and head to bible study at 6:00.
Some other news is that we have an unexpected meet tomorrow. We were not going to go because it was scheduled on the same day as a home meet, but they rescheduled so we are going to go now. We will be getting out of school at 2:15. So this will be fun... the only thing is that we have another meet on Friday, and it will be much larger. So I will be very tired and don't expect any posts for the next few days.
Hope you have a good next few days!


Spalding said...

Hey! You should come check out my blog sometime! It's called the Life Of Spalding because i really like basketball! Your blog is really well done! Please check out my blog!

GC said...

Wow, I am impressed you almost have your world series scrapbook done! You must have done some intense scrapping! I meant to call you all that day to see how things were going, but it was a pretty intense day for me at work, and I didn't get home until after midnight. I had a really good time with you all Easter Sunday. I will try to get some of the photos posted soon. Love you! GC