Saturday, April 18, 2009

2:38 and feeling the pain

Hey! It feels so weird to finally be posting. So here is a brief update of the last few days.
Thursday- I went to school, then we had a track meet. It was VERY small and we our 8th grade girls got 1st over all. I also got 1st in the 800! We then our 4x4 team got 1st too. I didn't do so well in the long jump. But all of the other people from our school did very well. Really fun meet.

Friday- Go to school, then a track meet. It was VERY big and our 8th grade girls got 1st over all!!!!! That was SO exciting. I also got 3rd in the 800, and I broke my all time best record...2 minutes and 38 seconds! In our 4x4 we got 2nd place. But the meet overall was REALLY good for our team.

Saturday- I had to get up early and go to a softball game. We won 8 to 2. I hit one between first and second and got on base. Then I hit one in the outfield and the girl caught it, then the first baseman caught a line drive that I hit at her. Then I got a new bathing suit (I'll show you later). Then we ate at Chick-Fill-A, came home, and I went to Kay's house while the boys went to their baseball game. They actually won both of their games and will play again tomorrow. Tonight me and Kay went to Subway for dinner, and then to S.T.A.T. rally at church. It is really cool... and I got to work in the nursery. All the little kids are SO cute!!!!So I might do that again tomorrow.

So I'm really tired!! Blog again tomorrow.......... maybe!?

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