Thursday, April 9, 2009


So sorry... I have been SO BUSY!! BUT I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!
Here is my wonderful last few days!!!
  • Tuesday- M.A.P. testing at school, and a high school meet after school.Mom worked at the finish line, and I worked at the triple jump. I ate 3 Snickers bars, and cheered for our team!!
  • Wednesday- MORE M.A.P. testing!! But we played LOTS of dodge ball.It was an early release day, so I stayed at school with Mom. Me and Gina walked to Sundae's and I got a corn dog and a shake. Later we came back to school, and got ready for pictures. We went out to the track at 2:30 and had our pictures done(hope they turn out good). At 4:00 our track meet started. I was in 4 events, 100,long jump,800, 4x4. In the 100, well... lets just say that I didn't get last, and I didn't get first. In the long jump I jumped 12'2'' a which I don't think I placed. In the 800, I GOT 1st PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had the best time, so I got to be on the very inside. I took off running and got ahead of everyone and stayed that way the whole rest of the time. I also broke my personal best time which was 2:48, and it is now 2:47. I was VERY EXCITED!!! And Grandma Charlie, Stephanie, David, and the boys were there. BUT THE EVEN BETTER NEWS IS THAT I DIDN'T GET JUST 1 GOLD MEDAL, I GOT TWO!!! OUR 4X4 TEAM DID GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Josie was gone so Laura took her spot and did GREAT!!! We started out towards the back but she pulled us into 1st!!! Then Bethany kept us in 1st, and Bree kept us in 1st til the last 100, and got passed by a Strafford girl. After Bree handed off to me I took of sprinting and passed the girl from Strafford, and kept us in the lead all the way to the finish line!!!!!! I made up a cool rhyme to remember hand offs and stuff. "Receive in your left, run in your right, keep on going til the finish line's in sight!" I thought It was pretty good. So it was a GOOD night. Woo......
  • Thursday- Today at school we basically just did some grading, and little work. This would be because we were just ready to be OUT of school. We have a four day weekend if you didn't know. We had morning practice today because we have a dance after school. So I helped Mom and Kathy set up for their party on Tuesday. After that Mom brought us home, and I played with Bud for a while. We went down to the creek and he got me all WET! But I came inside and got ready for the dance. At 7:00 Mom dropped me off at the school, and I went to go hang out with my friends. I had a good time laughing at Bree and Leona. I liked laughing at Laura and Bethany too! It was a lot of fun... my favorites were the Cupid Shuffle,and the Cha Cha Slide (sp?). I was getting tired though, and the weather has been atrocious.So I had Mom come and pick me up a little before the dance was over. I had all the fun I needed, then left. Now I am at home nice and warm, blogging, and thinking about all the fun I will have tomorrow with my Buddies.
  • Friday- Big fun with my FRIENDS!!! LONG WEEKEND AND LOTS OF FUN!!!!! I like all of these colors!! It reminds me of spring. So I am going to watch a movie with my family... I think it is The Final Season. I baseball movie of course!!!

Have a nice long weekend!!!

P.S. I got my Mary Kay stuff today and I found out that I was the top seller! So I got a 25$$ gift certificate to buy anything Mary Kay. So I was very excited about that too!!!

This has been a really good week so far. Check Spelling


Anonymous said...

Rachel, I am so proud of you for all your accomplishments! I'm so sorry I missed your track meet. I hope that your mother has a video. What a week you've had! Love you, Kay

Our Story said...

Rachel--we had so much fun watching you run on Wednesday! You did awesome. Your uncle David and I could all walk around with our chests puffed out saying "You know that awesome runner, she's OUR niece!!!" To tell you the truth--we do that anyway--you are an awesome young lady and though we are proud of your athletic accomplishments--we are so much more proud of your walk with the LOrd. It is evident who you serve--and that is the LORD above!! El Shaddai(sp ?)--The Almighty God!