Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bye Bye Bunny..........

Today the bunny population lowered.
No one is to blame.
It is very sad.
Bye Bye.
If you're wondering what the bunny thing means, well wait a minute and I'll explain. First of all we didn't have school yesterday!! So I slept in til 10:00 or so, then cleaned my room. At 1:00 Leona came over to my house, and we headed to Wal-Mart for some picture developing. We printed several pictures and I was very excited about them. We stopped at a clothing store, then came home. We got back at around 4:30 and I still hadn't packed for our big slumber party at Josie's house. So I did that, then we headed over. We had a lot of fun, first we went to the creek and went exploring, then came in and got dry and just hung around, later we had dinner(yum), and once it got dark we watched "The Boogy Man". It was pretty scary, and I think we didn't go to bed until 2:00 AM or so. But we slept in til 10 and had some monkey bread for breakfast. I walked home whenever everyone else left.
Now today, I have been outside a lot because of the wonderful weather. We picked up the trash so Dad could Mow, and then Mom,Me, and Alex burned a pile of trash and boxes. This is were the bunnies didn't make it, when we started the fire. So it was sad, but I'm over it now. After that I played with Bud, and Coco. I dropped off some Mary Kay stuff at Stephanie's, then came home for some lunch!! I had Romen Noodles, and chips and dip. Now we are all just settling down from all the excitement. This has been a very blah.. day. I think the plans for this evening are... color Easter eggs, and get some sleep. I have a really cute Easter outfit for tomorrow, I will have to show it to you some time.
Have A Happy Easter!!!

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