Thursday, March 26, 2009

Track Meets

So, I'm just finally getting settled. For the last few hours I have been working at a track meet for the high schoolers. Luckily it was a home meet. I am currently at Kay's house watching college basketball, along with Dad and Alex. But Mom unfortunately is still at the track because she is a timer.
So for now I am sitting in front of the computer, warm and cozy. Before I was standing in the rain, huddled up with lots of people under a couple of umbrellas looking for shelter. I was working at the triple jump. We were measuring and recording, the jumps and then I went and waited around with Mom for a while.
Dad picked Me up later after he had picked up our PICTURES!!! We went to have pictures about a month ago, for the baseball team, but I had mine done too. So they picked them up tonight, and they look SO AWESOME!!! I will have to show you some of them because WOW! I love them so much.
The good thing is that tomorrow is Friday and also we were scheduled to have our first meet, but because of the weather they canceled it. So I will be going to practice then having a wonderful time at LEONA'S HOUSE!! Me, Bree, and Leona are having a slumber party at her house. So this will be VERY fun!! Just warning you that I won't be blogging tomorrow.

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