Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just a Typical Day

Today has been GREAT!!!

  1. We didn't have morning practice, that was great thing number 1.
  2. Second thing was that we didn't have any homework!!
  3. Third thing was after school at track practice we got to work on LONG JUMP!
  4. Me and Bud went on a long exploration of the very high creek. It was so AWESOME!!
  5. We played in the water.
  6. I saw Coco.
  7. I called Leona and we had a WONDERFUL phone call. We talked about the creek and Bud, and some other very random things.
  8. I called Gina.
  9. I'm blogging
  10. Alex is playing video games and NOT bugging me.
  11. I am going to EAT SOME PIZZA!!!
  12. Mom made it from scratch!
  13. I'm going to take a relaxing shower.
  14. Put on some clean PJ's.
  15. Get up early and GO TO TRACK!!

Okay so some of things haven't happened yet, but I'm looking forward to them!!Have a NICE EVENING!!!!


Anonymous said...

I would love to go with you sometime when you go on your walk with Bud. That is what I used to do when I was your age with my dog Ceasar. Love you! Kay

GC said...

I didn't have a dog to go with me - Grandma and Grandpa's collie, Lady, didn't usually tag along - but when I was a kid, I used to love to tramp the woods and pastures on their farm ... the limstone bottom creeks that were dry most of the year, the shell of the tree where Grandpa killed a nest of rattlesnakes one time (I have the rattles off one of the tails), the lake Grandpa had built where we used to have family picnics until the copperheads ran us out, the annual trek to find a Christmas tree (cedar, of course) and the trees whose branches I could climb into and settle down to daydream or read a book or write a letter. I am glad you have places like that to enjoy, too.