Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hustle and Bustle

Hey! I'm so sorry that I didn't post yesterday, it has just been pure chaos!

Friday at school was really boring anyways so I think I will just skip that, and tell you about the great evening I had. I had a couple of friends over last night after track practice, which I am so sore. So we hung out, got the dog out, petted the cats, went to the creek right at sun down with rubber boots and flashlights. It was really fun because next to Josie's house there was this huge fire, I mean HUGE!!! So we went to check it out, well sorta, we walked up the creek til we came to a part that was kinda close to the edge. On our way back, Bud who was with us, stepped on this bottle. So I picked it up, and there was a note inside, we opened it up then took it up to Chad and Christy's to read it. It said something along these lines...

"If you are reading this please bring it back to "blank","blank",and "blank".

Except those blanks were people's names that go to our high school. So we gave the note to Christy, the high school Secretary, to give to them Monday at school. I wonder what they will think about somebody actually finding the note. So that was really fun, and we took another walk, and Bud got stuck in a hole. Later we came back to the house and had the best dessert EVER!! It is pictured above, and you have to try it out. By the way we had a wonderful dinner too, chicken and rice, strawberry's,grapes,cottage cheese,and some other things.

Mom,Dad,and Alex later went to play baseball up at the ball field.I heard it was very fun. So we were off adventuring, then came to the house had a snack, took showers, and talked. I think we finally went to sleep at around 12:30. This morning we slept in, made some muffins, went on another walk down the creek, came back, had some milk, played with Coco, and then shortly later they all left. As soon as Dad got home we ate lunch really fast, then headed off to Springfield. We did some shopping, I got a new helmet,and a pair of track shoes, which are just regular tennis shoes. So we finally got home, and Mom will be coming home soon to pick up Me and Dad so we can go out to the Roller's for a movie night. I think though that I am going to be watching the little babies, which is even more fun. I will make sure to take my camera, in case I have free hands and something cute.

So this has been a very hectic day,but it is all fine because the weather is SO great, and I've got to be with my wonderful friends. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!!


L.lovely said...

Awww! You are so sweeeeeet!!!

L.lovely said...

Yeah well it was so sososososososososo FUNNN!!! :]