Sunday, March 8, 2009

Random Thoughts

Hello! Today has been very relaxing. Alex has an ugly cough, and I have a stuffy/runny nose, if you know what I mean. So I didn't really have anything to blog about, when I remembered some old photo albums in the sun room. So I found some of the cute pictures I liked and posted them. So here is some randomness for a random day! This is Alex at the St.Louis zoo. This was a trash can.
I really have NO clue where this was taken, but obviously we were swimming.
Alex and Me riding up to the top of the St.Louis arch.
This is one of my favorite pictures of myself. I don't know why either, it isn't anything spectacular, no pretty outfit, or breath taking view behind me. I just like it for some odd reason!I'm lighting a firework if you're wondering.
Here is Me,Alex,and Dad getting ready to leave for a Cardinals vs. Royals game.
This was Me and Alex while camping.
Cardinal's fans!!!!
I also like this one of Alex, SO excited!!!
Here is Me and Dad getting ready to sled down the hill.
Alex,Jake,and Me having a cousin sleepover complete with blankets,pillows,movie,comfy P.J.s stuffed animals, and lots of Love.
Alex and Baby Drew!
Me,Mom, and Alex having a blast in the swimming pool!
Look at these two ornery boys.
Me putting my tooth under my pillow. This was the first one that I lost, and I was SO excited!!!
Here is Me holding little Drew.
Jake,Me, and Alex one Halloween. I was the Indian and Alex was the cowboy.
Us three again, but this time we are in JAIL!
Our family on the coast! When we went to California we also visited the Pacific ocean.
This one is of us picking pumpkins from our garden one year.
Me, showing off the Easter dress that my Mom made me.
One day Mom and GC took us to a historical place, and we got to sit on a canon.
Another one of my favorite poses from Alex. CUTE!
Easter! Mom and us two rascals.
I'm on a wild horse! Not really this was just a little thing near Mt.Rushmore for people to take pictures on.
Our family at Mt.Rushmore.
Me,Papa,Alex, and Dad.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking me down memory lane, Rachel. I loved seeing all those cute pictures. Also loved reading about your adventure finding the bottle. Wow! Love you, Kay

L.lovely said...

HEY CUTE! These pictures are so sos osos os so so so so sososo sos os o so cuttttuuuutututuute!! AWWWW!!!!!! wow! :]

L.lovely said...

Just like you.

L.lovely said...

AWWWWW... how sweet! OMG OMG OMG OM GOM GOMGOMGOMgOMG!!!!!! WOW :] guess what..........:] the word verification is horse!!!! WOWOWOWOWOWOWWWOWWO THAT IS SO SOS OSO SOS OS wierd! :]

L.lovely said...

love you. :]