Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Day At Home

So today I thought we would try the color green, since the rest of my blog is green. Brown just gets boring after a while. So right now I'm sitting in front of the computer, with freezing toes, and grandmas Kay's clothes on. I know you're wondering why, and I have a very simple explanation. I FELL IN THE CREEK.
This afternoon, Alex, Eli, and Me were here at grandma Kay's playing outside in the creek. Having fun chasing birds,rabbits,fish, you know. So Eli and Alex were going to try and kill a fish, with a stick. So they climbed down to this lower part of rocks, took off their shoes, and were standing on this large rock looking down at the fish. I of course was just going to walk down and sit on a rock and watch.I took off my shoes and socks, grabbed my camera securely and headed down. So I made it down the very steep part of the hill, and then splash, my foot slipped off a rock and the bottom of my pants got wet. I should have stopped there! But no, I went and sat on the rock, and after a while watching other people have fun in the water isn't too fun for you. So I decided to go over and see what they were looking at, bad idea. The rock was covered in very slippery moss, and the water itself was FREEZING. I literally thought that my toes were going to fall off. As I stepped onto the bank, fully ready to head inside I forgot my shoes and camera were on the other side. So I asked Alex to please go and get them, but he was in the middle of something so I said never mind. As I was on my way back through the water to the other side, SLASH! This time it wasn't a little splash though, it was a big splash of both my legs,arms, and up to my neck. Luckily the water wasn't deep enough to go over my head. It was actually a little bit of a challenge to get up, I hit my bottom on a rock and of course I thought I was going to freeze to death. I thought I might hear an are you okay, or let me help you from Alex and Eli, but no. They were laughing their heads off as you can imagine. Funny stuff. Earlier I had said if one of you guys falls in, I'm going to take your picture. So when I fell in, Alex of course said " So Rachel since you fell in, can I take your picture?" So he took my picture, and I will have to post all of the pictures I got later. Right now I am just getting warm again.
So here is about the rest of my day.First hour in science we went over study guide and then played bingo review. Second hour in Algebra 1 Mrs.Brown was our substitute, or Connie. We just did like usual, worksheets. Third hour in American history we graded our papers from yesterday. Fourth hour in FACS we learned how to sew a button on, and then turned them in for a grade. Fifth hour in P.E. we had counselor, we learned about being honest. Sixth hour in English we watched some more of the movie Hamlet, and it is getting really good. Finally we had lunch, then Seventh hour in Mom's room I put away 1 book then relaxed the rest of the hour. After school, well I told you what happened, and just now I have got to sit down and blog. I will have to add pictures when I get home... which will be soon, Mom just walked in the door!


szumbiel4 said...

Brothers! What can you do?

L.lovely said...

HEY! LOL! You are so cute! So those two kids...(Alex and Eli) are pretty helpful! But I laughed a lot when you said the part about Alex saying CAN I TAKE YOUR PICTURE NOW??? lol that was great! Okay well Love ya and I can't wait to go to your house! :]

P.S. The WORD VERIFICATION is dalra... lol just thought that I would say that. :]