Saturday, March 21, 2009


So I finally changed my blog, and I think it looks pretty good!

So today North Carolina is playing!! We are very excited, and I'm really hoping they win because I picked them to go ALL the way! They are playing LSU. Guess who has guessed the most games correct so far, GRANDMA RIE!! She has 26 right from the first round, and me and Kay both had 25, next is Mom and Alex with 23 right. The second round games might hurt me a lot though.

This morning I woke up at around 9:30 and got ready for track practice at 11:30. So I went and we warmed up, then ran a mile. It wasn't timed though, so we were able to go as fast or slow as we wanted. After that we got to get our uniforms, finding a small in the jerseys and shorts wasn't too bad, but getting a small in the hoodies was tricky. I went through all of the boxes and FINALLY found one. I heard that our team shirts were really cool, I'm excited to get them. Now I am at Kay's house again, we are watching some more BASKETBALL! Now we are watching UCLA and Villanova, and Villinova is winning. Later I'll show some of the NC game.

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