Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An amazeing Day

Happy St.Patrick's Day!

Happy St.Patrick's Day Everyone! Today has been wonderful, and I haven't been home since this morning so I know that Bud must be itching to get out of his pin. School wasn't too bad either, I only had homework in American history, and that was only organizing my folder. I had track practice after school, and we ran outside because the weather was SO WONDERFUL!!! Since mom and everyone had to go take Alex to his game, Kay picked me up and brought me to her house. So I have been enjoying relaxing with them. I have caught up on some much wanted TV watching. I watched a few episodes of 18 kids and counting, What Not to Wear, and some other TLC shows. I was hoping to see John and Kate Plus 8 that is one of my favorites, but I think the season finale is on Monday. So this has been really fun. All night I've been texting Leona cause that's just what we do, and Mom, Dad,and Brittney for scores and updates on the game.

So here is what I have found out about the two games. Game one was won!! 5 to 0 I think, and I suppose they did quite well! But Game two sounds not so good. They are losing, last I heard it was 7 to 0 and only have bat once, going 3 up and 3 down. Alex came in after Jacob, and finished off the inning. So We are hoping that they can catch up and score some runs!! I am very tired so I hope you have a nice evening!!
I also would like to say that Alex, and our family is rooting for North Carolina in the big tournament coming up! Alex is the biggest Tar heel Fan, and has picked them to go ALL THE WAY!

1 comment:

szumbiel4 said...


I have become addicted to What Not To Wear...I've checked out their web site and they are taking applications for the Atlanta area (which is only and hour or so from here) but alas, I cannot enter myself. Anyway, it's tons of fun to watch!

Aunt Sarah