Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our very OWN Air Bud

I'm proud to PRESENT...
The one and only...
Not Buddy...
But BUD!!!!!

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs!!! I couldn't think of a good introduction to this post, but it didn't turn out too shabby, So I guess you can see that we HAVE A DOG!! And we chose the new puppy. It was pretty much LOVE at first sight. I mean if you really could see this dog, when you look into his little eyes (which let me tell you is the only thing little about this dog) you just want to pet him. He is so adorable!He's 100 pounds of blubbery cuteness! We got him Wednesday after noon. I know, I know, you would have thought I'd taken lots of pictures and all, but I haven't been home. So this is the rightafterhegottoourhouse pictures. The video is of us playing together for the first time. Let me tell you this puppy has a lot of great things about him besides his looks. I'll list them below...

  • He is Stinking' cute
  • Lovable
  • Doesn't jump on you (for the fact he can't get off the ground) ( wait that's a lie, today when I gave him bacon he was jumping, not on me of course)
  • Barks only when scared, but can be calmed down.
  • Loves to be petted.
  • Will run with you and not away from you.
  • Likes to be let out and take strolls around the neighbor hood.

These are just some things that I think are great about our little Bud.

Next thing is that you are also wondering where we came up with the name Bud! As we were brainstorming lots of names, the two ones I remembered were - Comet, and Rover. Later Alex was saying how he kind of looks like Air Bud, in a NOT SO/SO way. Dad liked it, Alex liked the sports part, and Bud is just a darn cute nick name. So Air Bud is the new addition to the Wheeler Family. I have lots of stories to tell, and pictures to take!!!

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