Thursday, February 26, 2009

A weeks worth of Randomness

Here is ME Wednesday after school!!!
Bethany Posing at the game on Tuesday night.
So I Posted about the dog, and now I'm going to tell you about my GREAT Thursday! First hour in science we finished up a lab. Second hour in Algebra 1 we had a substitute, because MOLLY HAD HER BABY!!! Her name in Aleah Rose, and I have no idea is that is how you spell that. The pronunciation of her first name is AL Leah. She was 21 inches long and I think 9 pounds. So that was very exciting news!! So in class we had these work sheets to do. I finished them in class though. Third hour in American history we went over the Bill of Rights, and tonight I am working on memorizing the first ten, so I can recite them tomorrow.Here it goes...
  1. Freedom of Speech,religion,press,petition,and assembly.
  2. Right to bear arms.
  3. Quartering Troops.
  4. Search and Seizure.
  5. Rights to the accused.
  6. Right to a speedy trial by jury.
  7. Jury trial in civil cases.
  8. Bail and punishment.
  9. Powers reserved to the people.
  10. Powers reserved to the states.

These are right, I checked. Fourth hour in FACS we did some sewing stuff. I'm not very good at it, but I try. Fifth hour in P.E. we had to go out to the track and had to run the mile. I am very sore and tired, but I did it in 7 minutes and 20 seconds. Sixth hour in English we had another substitute and had to do M.A.P. preparation. I got that done in class too. Seventh hour I went to Mom's room and put away some books, and then hung out in the ISS room with Papa, and Mom was next door. After school we had softball practice. So we lifted weights and then went outside to throw. Mom picked me up later and took Alex to baseball practice, and then we came home. I got the dog out and we started playing. But we could see a big storm coming, so I took him over to Josie's to show him to her before it started raining. We were running back to house, and Bud just had to take a break, so I stopped to pet him. And guess what!!! It started raining, so I had to run back to the house and kennel him up, and he was panting really hard so I gave him some water. I came back inside and he was crying and crying. Then later after it stopped raining, I went back out and got him out. We took a nice long run around the neighborhood. We went up the road and down the lane, and around the loop, and back, to the bottom, up the road, up the hill, around the house, and down the path, and finally to the pen. It was very fun, and I got to see him jump. I came back out with some Bacon and was getting ready to make him sit, when he jumped up in the air to try and grab that bacon. So I now can say, BUD jumps.Later I can back inside, and took a shower, I smelled like wet dog, and muddy!!! Since then, I have studied, and blogged, and had a wonderful dinner. Breakfast dinner, pancakes,eggs,bacon, and a cold glass of milk. So I have had a wonderful day!!! Hope yours was good too!!


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