Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer, Summer, Time Is HERE!

It finally feels like Summer has started! Friday, May 21st was the last day of school. But on that day we were at the State Track Meet. So when we returned on Saturday night, and then went to church Sunday and graduation, it really didn't feel like we ever really went into summer. But over the past week we have done some things, and it's really starting to feel like SUMMER now!
The following Monday after State, our high school baseball team played in Washburn for Sectionals. We went to watch them play, which was very fun, and a good time.
On Tuesday we had our Track Banquet. We had pizza, and our Coach gave out letters, and senior gifts. Of my friends Leona, Josie, and Me got varsity letters. I'm really excited to order patches for my Letterman's jacket.
Then Wednesday the baseball boys played Quarterfinals at our home field. So of course everyone was there to watch them play. It was a fun game to watch and they won, and tomorrow we are going up to Springfield to watch them play at State. This is the farthest that any Stockton baseball team has gone.
Thursday was Softball day. I had my first softball practice of the year, and that night we also had our first softball game. We lost to Mont Rose.
Friday we didn't have anything to do, it was Mom and Dad's 22nd anniversary, so we went out to dinner to celebrate that.
On Saturday, the 29th it was my BIRTHDAY:)! We didn't do too much, just hung around the house, and that evening we had a wedding to go to.
Then Sunday Alex had a baseball tournament. So we went over to Nevada to watch him play. His team won one game and then lost the second. I got SO sunburned on my legs, and feet. We came home that night, and I went to youth and then a bunch of families went up to the pool and we cooked out.
Yesterday, we celebrated my birthday with the family. We had them all out for lunch, and then had banana splits. It was really fun, and I enjoyed getting to see everyone.
This morning I woke up and went to weights at 8:30. Which I really didn't want to go, but it was pretty fun just to hang out with my friends, and get to see them again. Now here in a while I'm going to softball practice. It's going to be SO hot. Ahh... I'm hoping it's quick.
Well I have gotten a little bit of everything so far, and It feels like summer now!
~ Rachel

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