Sunday, October 4, 2009

Kitty Hangout....

So it's Sunday! Feels like Saturday but it's not.... wish it was Saturday but it's not. We have a pretty busy week ahead of us. Three maybe four softball games if we do well in districts. Monday we have Fairplay at home, Tuesday we have Dadeville away, and Wednesday we have Eldorado in AshGrove for Districts. On top of this Friday is homecoming and after the game is the homecoming dance.

But the cutest thing ever is what I'm about to tell you. Yadi has been a darling little kitty and been sitting out on the deck all day long and I brought him in just a few moments ago and now I have the computer on my lap and he is under the computer and between my legs.... burrowed in there like a fort. (Hence the title of this post... kitty hangout). He is so adorable!

Back tracking.... so this coming week is also spirit week!
  • Monday- PJ day.
  • Tuesday- Hippie Day.
  • Wednesday- Class color day.
  • Thursday- Celebrity day.
  • Friday- Black out day.

So everyone is very excited... and Bree because she is the homecoming princess for the Freshman. She is going to look really pretty! (Yadi is asleep now and I SO want to take a picture!)

Last night Alex's game was pretty good. Alex scored 2 touchdowns. But 1 of them unfortunately didn't count because a flag was thrown and they had to bring the ball back. They didn't lose too badly tough... it was 6 16 final. After the game we got to go to Charlie's house and eat dinner. It was really fun. We also received 2 more cats last night... a grey one and a black and white one. They were let out this morning and have been running around all day and I haven't seen them. But they are out there somewhere... I think. But anyways this morning we went to church and Sunday school and afterwards I went to Steve and Donis's house with the youth for lunch and played Taboo. It was really fun. Right now I'm going to blog and relax and lay around.

  • I'll try and blog this week.... if I can squeeze it in!!

    This is a song that has been stuck in my head for like the past twenty four hours and I can't get out!

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