Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What Is Going on With the Wheeler's?

Hello! It has been a while since I last blogged!
I have been super busy though. I don't have any pictures sadly, and really my last few days haven't been to interesting. But I thought I would go ahead and tell you a little about what has been going on in the Wheeler home.
  • Sunday- We went to church, and afterwards went to Kay's to watch the softball world cup. We had lunch there and then came home after the game. I finished my 2008 world series scrapbook for the boys.
  • Monday- I had softball camp from 8-10. After camp I came home and took a shower, had lunch and we went to buy makeup. I had a doctor's appointment at 3, so we went straight there. Which we found out that it was just allergies like we thought. Then we went and picked out movies, I got Bride Wars and Alex got Taken. Which both turned out to be really good. We came home and I watched Bride Wars. Then we had softball camp again from 6-9. We made it about 1/2 way through and it started storming so we had to leave. But since it ended short I was able to go to a baby shower. When we came home all 4 of us were in mom's bed watching Taken.
  • Tuesday- I had softball camp again from 8-10. After camp I went to Kay's and went with her, Pauletta, mom, and Stephanie to Springfield. We shopped around for food and birthday stuff. I also got a really cute dress to wear on Saturday from Maurices. When we got back I had something to eat and relaxed a while before I had to go to softball camp.
  • Wednesday- TODAY! I had softball camp from 8-10. Then I came home and watched a movie, did some laundry, took a shower, cleaned my room, and took a nice long nap. When I woke up I had dinner and then have been doing more laundry and just sitting around. Since it was Wednesday and we had youth (which I missed due to the fact that we didn't have dinner until close to 7) we didn't have softball camp. It was nice to have time to relax. So tomorrow will be Wheeler 411's 1 year anniversary. I cannot believe that it has been a whole year. So I will try to post tomorrow after camp. I have lots to do in order to get ready for our vacation that is coming up. This weekend is going to be extremely busy.

I hope you have a nice evening!

P.S. The Stockton Cardinal's got 13th place in the USSSA AA World Series. The teams that beat us got 2nd place, 4th place, and 6th place.

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