Friday, June 12, 2009

Day #11 and 12... I think!

So as you know I have been at S.B.U. team camp Wednesday through Saturday. I'm getting my days SO mixed up. It seems like no time has passed and I've been living in the lobby of a college.

Our team has been doing really good. We are undefeated, and if we win tomorrow morning then we will be in the championship game. Which whatever team we play would have to beat us twice. I think we should be able to win tomorrow, we are playing this team from Dixon. They are supposedly all middle school kids. But they are really good. They only lost to us by like 5. So we are definitely going to have to play good tomorrow morning to make it to the championship, and we may even play Dixon again if they come up through the losers bracket. I will definitely post to tell you what happened tomorrow.
If you're wondering what this picture above is, well it's me this morning before we left for camp. I was really tired, and you can't tell in any of these pictures, but my eye (under it) is swollen and is blue and purple. I was some how behind a big post girl and she came back really hard and hit me in the face. So now I have a nice sore spot under my eye. It's my right one, you can tell it is puffier.

This is me this afternoon when we got home from our last game. Well I took a shower before this picture.
Here is my eye up close. I just zoomed in on the picture above.

Our schedule today was really crazy. We had our first game at 9 o'clock, and we were going to play again at 1. But we had a by for that game so we sat for 5 hours waiting for our next game. It was at 3:30, and was against South Callaway. During our down time we all went with Tracey on a quick trip to Maurice's, and then back to campus for lunch. The lunch today was pretty good. I had a sandwich, chips and salsa, and some ice cream. It was all very delicious. Yesterday was very hectic too, except we played a ton more. Yesterday we had 5 games. WOW I know! We had one in the morning, then we sat one played one, then we had lunch. When we came back we played two back to back. Then we had a long 3 hour break and played again at like 7:45. I'm really tired, even though we didn't hardly even play today.
Have a nice evening. I'm going to a baby shower.
-Rach :)

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