Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Busy Day #9

Since I didn't blog yesterday due to the crazy weather... I decided to do 2 posts.
Tuesday was really good.I got up and went to weights, which was pretty boring like usual. We had to run stairs,and do agility's. After weights I went to the store. We went out and did a cleaning job. It was really small and didn't take very long. We came back to the store, and then went with papa to have lunch at his house. I don't really remember what all went on... I fell asleep, and didn't wake up until Mom was there to pick me up. I was very tired. When we came home it was like pitch black out side. They were calling for some really bad weather but it just rained and was pretty windy. So I couldn't blog because of the lightening. It was kinda scary for a while. With not being able to blog I went upstairs and worked on another face picture. You know the ones that I got for my birthday. Well I did another one, and she is a little more wild. I thought she turned out good though. After a while dinner was ready and we came down and had some chicken and noodles. After dinner I put in a movie, The Bat, and Alex went out to shoot at birds again. Mom was in the sun room reading, and Dad left to go clean carpet at Woods. I finished the movie and then went to go and help Alex call birds. I couldn't do it very good so I came inside. I came in and started watching old home videos. They were so funny! Me and Alex watched them for a while, and by the end of the night all four of us were in Mom's bed watching them. There was one when Alex was just a baby, and I was two. It was Christmas morning and I had just opened a present that was a video. Mom asked me what it was about, and I said "Baby Jesus". It was Charlotte's Web!! Another one was of me and Alex shooting baskets in the kitchen. He was four and I was six. We were fighting over the ball or something and Mom said something like... I have the camera on, and I don't want to hear you guys still fighting in 20 years. It was really funny because we still fight about similar things all the time. It was so fun to watch videos of us in California with Sam. We had video of the Ocean, and Alex screaming when a wave knocked him over. (That was really funny... because he wouldn't get in! So I was standing in it ya know, and I kept saying- It's OK Alex! Then he finally gets in and the first wave is big and gets him all wet and knocks him over. He starts to get swept in and he starts screaming "DADDY!".) It was really fun to watch all of that stuff. We finally had to quit and go to bed. I slept in my bed for the first time all summer. I thought that It may help my back. It has been hurting a lot, and I think it actually did help a little. That's all for day #9.

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