Saturday, May 2, 2009

Morning Wake UP!

Here is a video for the morning! Be back later!

It's Later! I've been wanting to post all day, but I've had a big cloud sitting over me, and now it has gone away and everything is sunny. If you're wondering, that cloud was my I Search paper. It isn't due until May 11th but for some reason I've been stressing out about it. So I've taken most of today to work on my 8 page report. I chose the topic of gymnastics about two weeks ago and have been doing some research here and there. But when she finally told us the due date, and when we were going to be done with the lab. Then I was getting a little worried. All I had were 2 web sites and they don't even count as sources, just extra. So I asked the teacher some questions, and the next day I got 2 newspaper articles, and a book. I got my 2nd book yesterday, and all that is left is for me to do two interviews. The only problem with that is that I have no IDEA who to interview! So If you know something about either the history of gymnastics, or some gymnast questions then I would really like to interview you. Please leave a comment or something. I will get ahold of you some how. Today though I have accomplished SO much. I've all of the report done, except for the interview pages, and the what I've learned section. So If I could get the interviews done then I could wrap up the paper, and get my bibliography completed. So I really need some help. This really is what I've done all day long.

Last night though, I went with Gina and Josie down to the creek. The water is SO HIGH! In several parts, I'm sure It would have been over my head. Even the shallow parts were probably about 3 1/2 feet deep. The funny part was when we were playing in the mud, in our bottom, I was trying a technique that Gina said would help you get out of deep mud, and I fell over and got all muddy. It was really fun. Then I came home and took a shower, then we watched some CSI. I got this movie yesterday afternoon called "Legally Blondes". I thought it was pretty good. I've watched it 4 times already if that means anything. It is definitely a girls movie though.

Today, besides working on my I Search Paper, I have watched Legally Blondes twice, played Dream Life for 9 days (9 days on the game), and petted Bud, Coco, and Skit. So I'm just taking it easy.

PS. The song that got the most votes was I'd Lie, By Taylor Swift.

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