Sunday, May 3, 2009

1 muddy dog, 2 clean kids,3 mom and dads,4 cookies,5 actors,6 muddy boys

Hey! Sorry I'm just posting, the computer has been really mean. But I finally got it to work. I have SO many good pictures from today. I hope you don't mind if I post the good ones today and then tomorrow I will add the rest to Cool Pix. But We'll start in order... starting with this morning at church.
We went Sunday school and it was really good, then the children's choir did their musical today.
They did really well. I love this picture of Alex, it is SO FUNNY! Partially because of the look on his face, and partially because we were sitting there and then I snapped it, and the flash was really bright right in his eyes, and he jumped.
Hannah and Gabby.
Here is Jacob.... in the robe... with his face covered. He is such a good actor you can't even tell that is him.
"Mom and Dad" coming to rescue Crystal.
The whole group taking a bow.
Here is Jacob. I took a lot more pictures of him, than anyone else. He also had a very good solo.
Now After church is were all the action was. We had just finished lunch and were going to sit and talk, when the boys came down wanting to change into play clothes so they could "get dirty". So they went outside and this is what we saw out of the window. All 6 of them playing some baseball, mud game. So of course I geared up, and went to take some pictures!
Here is them deciding whether or not this person was on the base or not before they got tagged.
Alex! Showing off his extreme muddiness... if that's word?
Here is me and kitty! SMILE!
I love this picture of the boys. They were having such a good time.
Tate, deciding if he should jump in the mud head first or not.
Drew, I like this one because you can just see the mud caked on his face and hair.
More play.
Apparently, someone was safe.
This is by far, my favorite picture of today. I liked how when I said, " Can I get 1 group picture, then I'll leave?" They all said... ugh... only if you'll just leave. So I finally got them to let me take a picture. Then Alex,Eli, and Jake say, "Nobody Smile.". Then Tate pitches in, " We should smile because we are having a really good time." Nobody argues... they just all smile and act as if it was their idea to be taking the picture.
These also are some of my favorites... Drew...
And the PROUD mothers. They were cold sitting outside, so they wore their blankets.
Nobody would let them in the house so muddy, so Dad gave them a hose down, IN COLD water.
You can tell that he is screaming... probably because of the numb and pneumonia feeling.
Here are the dad's enjoying their screams.
Easton, watching. My favorite part was when Bud walked up the stairs and he said, " No you stupid ole' puppy dog!!".

Here is Eli and Alex, skin and bones.

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