Friday, May 15, 2009

Long Ole' Day

Today has been THE longest day EVER.
First of all, it wasn't boring at ALL... it was SO fun. But it felt like it went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on etc.
This morning when I got to school, I had to go into Mom's room and take a couple of last minute A.R. tests to get my points. ( I wound up with exactly 25.2 points for the quarter). After that I went to the gym, where we played dodge ball for our advisory games.
After the games I went to science and we did absolutely nothing. All we did was play heads up seven up and some other games like that. Then we went to second hour and like two minutes after the bell we were released to go to the buses. So we loaded up and went to the high school. When we got there we watched a bunch of kids from our school act out a car accident. They had a helicopter, ambulances, and all kinds of vehicles come in and really make the accident seem real. Then we went into the gym and a speaker talked to us about drunk driving and some other things.
Following that we came back to the middle school, for part of fourth hour, lunch, and part of fifth hour. When those classes were over we went back out to the high school were we had the M.A.P. carnival. We bought tickets and there were lots of booths were you could buy food and play games. All I did was buy a funnel cake, and get some soda and candy from the F.B.L.A.'s Plinko game.
It was a very fun day... but I'm really ready to be done for the weekend.
Sadly I have softball practice at 8:00 tonight, and then Alex has EARLY games tomorrow morning. The only good thing is that I got my battle summary's finished this afternoon. The only other homework I have besides that is a sketchbook.
I think I will try and work on it a little now and finish it Sunday night. Since we are going to the Springfield Cardinal's game on Wednesday everything will be due on Tuesday. I still have a math quiz, and science test, an oral test, an art sculpture, and sketchbook left to do before the year is over.
But I'm not too concerned about grades right now.(At least in Art, it is an extra class). So things should be getting better over the next week.
I hope you have a nice and relaxing evening... I will be at softball practice, getting dirty.
Love you- Rach

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