Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Here's a post really FAST..........

K here is a fast little post. I haven't done anything today... and right now I'm trying to squeeze in a quick post before I leave and go to bible study, then youth, then softball practice, then Bree's until Mom can pick me up and bring me home.
So today I didn't really do too much. Just sat around the house catching up on some rest. I had planned on going shopping but didn't go. Then I had plans to go swimming... and it rained.
Right now I'm sitting here IN MY ROOM just blogging, cause I can. Anyway... I'm in my room blogging, listening to My Paper Heart by Francesca Battistelli.
Besides all of the relaxing stuff today... I went to bible study, and then youth, and after that I went to softball practice. As you can imagine... we were all muddy, wet, and cold. But it was fun anyways. I laughed at everyone falling and getting dirty. Until I went to catch a ball, landing in the splits. Ouch...
After practice I went home with Bree. I actually didn't ask how the boys did tonight. But I hope they won... they sounded pretty excited. So you'll have to ask someone else about how they did.
I'll add some pictures just so it isn't so blah...

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