Thursday, May 28, 2009


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD!!!!! 21 years. Today has been very relaxing. I didn't have anywhere to go or anything to do. So I slept in until about 11 o'clock. I decided to go ahead and take the dog out for a walk. We went down to the creek, and picked some flowers. When came back I took a shower, and started a movie. I cleaned in my room a little... going through old school stuff and folders. So now my room is a little cleaner, but I've got lots of work to do still.At 7 tonight we went to Tate and Drew's game. They won. But tonight we are staying at Kay and Papa's so mom and dad can have their anniversary dinner. Slumber party.
Tomorrow Is my birthday... my real birthday! I'm very excited I will have a party with just my family tomorrow night. Also tomorrow I have softball practice at 3:00. This is the only thing I've got going on. But It's okay because starting next week I will have weights at 6 til 8, every morning and lots of camps and things to do. So this is my week to relax.

Have a nice evening -Rach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachel, happy birthday! You are a treasure to us. It seems like only yesterday we were waiting for you to arrive at the hospital. You have grown into a lovely young woman. We are so proud of you! We will be praying for you as you enter high school. We love you so! Kay and PaPa Larry