Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finishing Up......

So I have some things that I started talking about... like my I Search paper on Gymnastics.
I turned in my paper on Monday and it was 14 pages long. I had all kinds of information, about Shawn Johnson and several other gymnasts, along with basic facts and principels. I also have been stressing in this calss to get my A.R. points. I currently have exactly 24 points and the goal is 25. So today after school I took about 20 minutes to sit down and read a 55 page book that is meant for second graders. It was pretty cute and worth 1 point. So I hopefull will be able to test on that tomorrow and get my goal. The deadline is Friday and I have been scrambling to get points. I've read so many books, like Princess in Pink, Skeleton Creek, Yellow Star, A Long Way from Chicago, Because of Winn Dixie, and today I finished it up with Horrible Harry In Room 2B. So hopefully I will get that test done tomorrow sometime and get all my points OVER with for the year.
Here is some pictures of the CRAZY rain that we got on Friday. This was a Kay's house. Amazing isn't it???!!!

Some other school related things that I've mentioned but not finished...

My tests. I finished my E.O.C. test last week. We still don't know what we got... but they should be done soon. Now we are learning how to F.O.I.L. backwards.

Then today in science we took our multiple choice test and I got an eighty seven percent. Which is better than what I usually get. We will have another test on Monday.

In English we had a test over reading stratagies.

In American history we have a big Civil War memorization and summary project due. So that will be a big project to tackle over the weekend.

In P.E. we finished up our frisbee packets, and form weight lifting.

In Mom's room I'm very excited that I finally finished their book inventory. I wrote down every title of every book that they have. I also checked to make sure that every one of them was there.

In art we turned in our 2nd to last sketchbok today, and we finished up our self portraits today too. On Monday we will start our soap carvings and have to have those done in a couple days because... WE ONLY HAVE 4 days of school LEFT!!!!

After today we have 6 but the next two days we are going on trips. We have a reward trip to S.B.U. tomorrow... and on Friday we are going to the high school for M.A.P. carnival. There are games and stuff for us to play and do during the day. Then we will have 3 days of school next week... then the 2nd to last day we'll go to the park and play all day long... then the last day of school is a short day, all we'll do is have an awards assembly and clean out our lockers. So lots going on but its not anything real exciting. It's going to weird this summer not having school or anything to talk about. I will just have pictures and stories from swimming, playing ball, riding four wheelers, and playing with the cats and Bud.

Another exciting thing coming up is MY BIRTHDAY!! Coco's birthday is coming up too.. it is on the 25th. So I'm VERY excited.

I don't think I have anything else to finish up... except that tonight I'm going to Pizza Hut to weight tables. We are doing this as a fundraiser to earn money for our basketball camp this summer. I'm not quite sure how this is going to go... but I'm excited because Bree and Gina will be there with me.

Have a nice evening!!! Love -Rach

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