Friday, May 29, 2009

Birthday Part Two

Here is a picture of my new laptop, with my background. Also the picture above is of Bud. He was being a real pain... not wanting to kennel up. But I was trying to take a picture of his face. Every so often, when I would pull on his collar, his eyes would cross and he looked really funny. I never got a picture of that, but this one is cute too.
So here is how my Birthday went. I woke up this morning at Kay's house, very refreshed. After I had some pancakes, I laid around in my P.J.s watching TV with Alex. At around 11 o'clock mom picked us up and brought us home. I got Bud out, and we went on a walk. After that I rolled the four wheeler out, and gave it a bath. It was still covered in mud from the last time I rode it... so now you can at least tell it is red. After that Alex came out and we went on another walk. I also played with the cats, and did a lot of hanging around at the house. At 3 we had softball practice, so that was fun, and then after practice I came home and we got ready for Tate and Drew's games. But we found out on the way that the other team had forfeited. So instead of the game, I got to pick a restaurant to eat at. I chose Squeeze Inn. So mom and dad had squeeze burgers and I had hot dog art. It was really good. When we came home mom let me open my birthday gifts. I didn't post the pictures because I thought Mom might want them. I got this cool little book that helps you put makeup on different faces. It has actual makeup you put on the paper.
I also got a CUTE pair of shorts and matching shirt. Then I also got a white tank top and pink t-shirt. We just finished watching The Pink Panther, and we've just started 1776.
This has been a good birthday.
Hope you've had a good day!!!
-Rach :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! you had a great birthday! I love your new background on the blog. Bud's picture is cute too. You are quite a girl. Love you, Kay