Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rain Rain Rain

This is ME! Don't you love my cool T-shirt that I got last night at the S.T.A.T. rally. They are SO pretty! I haven't taken any pictures of myself lately... so I did one today after church and thought I would post it. This is the first time in a while that I've actually had time to take pictures... so I thought I would take advantage of it. Ignore the fact that my pictures are silly this time, I had a lot of fun taking them.
Here is my new bathing suit that I'm so excited about. I needed something to wear to SBU for our reward trip, and we found this yesterday at Target and I love it!
These pictures are just random because I wanted to post some pictures. This is of our sports shelf in the stairway. All of our medals, trophy's,pictures, and things are here. I think it looks pretty awesome. We still need to hang up our new pictures... which are the big ones sitting on the shelf.
I thought I would just show you the stairs... now do you see why we fall down them so much? They are pretty cool looking though, and are good to hide on when scaring someone.
This is a picture of Me and Alex a long time ago when I don't even know how old we are. But look at this picture and look at the one below. How weird is that... they look so much alike, minus the teeth.

Hey! Today has been very nice and relaxing...
The rain is kinda nice even though wet isn't really how I like all my stuff. This morning Alex was supposed to have a baseball game... but it was rained out, and we are now able to enjoy a nice day at home. We went to Sunday school, and we had children's church downstairs. I'm very excited for tonight though because we are going to the S.T.A.T. rally.(which stands for Seeking The Absolute Truth).Tonight I think I will help in the nursery a little and hopefully Mom will take my spot for a while so I can listen upstairs for a bit. I really like working with the cute little babies though. Right now I'm waiting for my pictures to upload so I can show them to you... really I didn't have much to post about so I took some pictures.
Still waiting!
P.S. I can not wait for lunch to be ready we are eating... YEA THE PICTURES ARE DONE!!

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