Friday, April 3, 2009


Hey!Today has been very...
Last night wore me OUT!! We had a track meet, and the weather was well... FREEZING, AND RAINING!!! But we ran anyway. So crazy, my cough is now worse along with my runny nose. As far as my events went, I was only in the 800 and 4x4. I placed 4th in the 800, with a time of 3 minutes and 7 seconds. Our 4x4 team got 3rd!! Bethany, our first leg put us in 6th. Bree took us into 4th, and I brought us into 3rd. Then Josie was passed by a Bolivar girl that was really fast, she only trailed her a little the whole way around.Then right before the finish line she beat her. So we got 3rd!! The weather was horrible and we were happy that we did so well in a BIG meet like that. Lots of schools had huge buses and were from places like Marshfield,Branson,Catholic,Republic, and Buffalo.
Besides track... We have have two softball games tomorrow in Seymour. I am kind of nervous because it has been SO long since I have actually played softball. So we might be a little rusty the first game.
Besides softball... We have had a long week of school. First of all we are preparing ourselves for the M.A.P. test. So all week we have been doing review and games to get caught up on things that will be on the test. In science currently we are learning about planets, their orbit, moons, and the sun. So we've been doing lots of labs, and space activities. In Algebra we have been going over measurements,decimals,fractions,square roots,tangents, and all sorts of stuff. Besides the M.A.P. test, we also have to take an E.O.C. exam, because we are in the Algebra 1. So this is a really big test that is coming up!! In American history we're learning about government, and how our state and federal government work. We have a big test preparation packet due next Thursday due to our testing for three days. I will be working on that and getting it out of the way if possible. Art right now is pretty fun I'd say, we are doing two point perspective drawings of our initials. Our sketchbook from last week was cool, called Echoes. (I might post a picture of it sometime) This weeks is of a movie or DVD cover. So I need to pick a cover and start drawing it this weekend. I got a 96/100 on the last drawing I showed you, and then got a 25/25 on my Echoes sketchbook page. In P.E. we just finished up a basketball tournament, in which we got last place. Today we went to the weight room, and I don't know if we are starting a new unit or not. So nothing much there except for that I have been getting my step goals the last few days because of all the running activities we've been doing. In English we have been doing more M.A.P. review. Everyday we do a packet or play a review game and I'm very glad that we are through with it. The only bad thing is that we will have to start working on our I Search Papers and I don't want to write an eight page paper. In Mom's room 7th hour I have been putting away books and taking an inventory of all the shelved books. This is a large task! I have not been in there the last few days because we left for the meet in the middle 7th hour yesterday, and today I went to watch the preview of the middle school play. It was about Mark Twain, and some of the microphones weren't working so it was hard to hear. My friend Leona is in the play and she did really good today, she had a lot of lines to remember. Marlana also was in the play.
If you're wondering about what M.A.P. testing is I will explain. M.A.P. stands for Missouri Assessment Program(I think?). So we spend three days in testing these booklets. The test scores are used to see how well our teachers are teaching us.
Good Things about M.A.P. TEST-
  2. You have several breaks to go outside, or talk.
  3. You get lots of yummy treats and drinks to snack on while testing.

Bad Things about M.A.P. TEST-

  1. You have to be quiet for long amounts of time.
  2. You are stuck in the same class room for FOREVER!
  3. I'M IN MR.OCHNER'S ROOM!!!!!!
  4. It's a test that will be effecting whether or not you get to go on fun trips at the end of next year.
  5. It's A TEST! Nobody likes tests!!!

I am very busy this weekend too. Today after school, I had track practice then went straight to softball and have just got home. Tomorrow I have two softball games in Seymour and then I will get to come home and work on homework. Then Sunday we have church then will be attending a funeral. So I have lots of things to do over the next few days, but hopefully we will have fun, and keep everything STRESS FREE.......

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