Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hey!Today has been GREAT so far. We didn't have any homework, since today was a short Wednesday. But this morning we had morning practice and I was SO tired. I didn't think I could go to school. So I was very glad when 7th hour came around.
After school, Papa picked us up and brought us over to Kay's house. So I have been relaxing and watching some TV. Later I will have softball practice at around 5. Then our bible study for tonight has been canceled due to our Mystery Dinner at the church. So I think that we will be going to that this evening too. If we are still having youth then I will go right to youth after the dinner.
So this has been a very long and exhausting day. Not to mention I keep coughing, and have to blow my nose all the time.
I don't know if we will be having the track meet that is scheduled for tomorrow. It is supposed to rain and be cold. So we will see about the track meet. I also have two softball games this weekend. I have only been able to go to two practices because of track, so AH.. this could be scary!!
We also are very excited that North Carolina is still going on! I hope they win the whole thing. Gina was very upset that Mizzou lost, but I was able to get over it.
So right now I am watching Little People Big World, and finished eating an apple. So I hope you have a very good day, and am not so busy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachel, please take care of yourself. You wear me out when I read about all your activities. We all love you sweet girl. Hope you get some rest tonight. Love, Kay