Thursday, April 23, 2009

I need some MUSIC!!!

This is Me and Alex at McDonald's. He was listening to my Mp3 player ( because it has cooler songs apparently), and I was just trying to get a couple good pictures to blog. It was a really fun night.
I like this picture too because it is just like Alex to have his tongue sticking out while trying to untangle those cords.
This was this afternoon when Me and Bud got back from the creek. I wish I could have taken some pictures... but I was too caught up in playing with Bud and getting all wet... a camera would not have been a good idea at the time.
Everything just reminds me of summer now!! The green grass, trees, flowers EVERY where, and the wonderful weather. Wearing shorts and flip flops has never felt so good.
This is our new cool little over the weekend house project. Dad hung up the backpack hooks. So now we have a place to hang our bags and stuff. Too bad school will be over in 21 days and we will have different bags hanging on these hooks. Actually that is a VERY good thing, not bad.
This is our kitchen... complete with cookies, and a nice place to sit, do homework, and watch CSI on the laptop. (all of these we things we did after school today). In the summer it will look like this but we will be doing it all day... coming in and out, pl.aying and hanging out in the basement.
This is our cute little living room with all of the pretty sun rays coming in!! Reminds me of summer! It was SO nice today!
I love this picture of Coco because this is really what he does in the summer. Just sits around on the deck and lays out in the shade. It didn't bother him that Bud was out or anything he just sat relaxed.
This reminds me of summer too... Mom taking a nap in the sun room.
Here's the kitchen and dining room.... I just thought this was really pretty. Our cute little house.
Hey! Sorry I haven't blogged in A LONG time...
but I have been Super busy. We'll just say I was taking a blogging break. So the last time I blogged was on Monday... and I was watching Stranger than Fiction. That movie was really good! Here is how my week has gone since then...
  • Tuesday- I went to school, then had track practice after school. I got to leave a little early though, because Alex had a baseball game. So we went to the game, the weather was a little chilly, but not too bad. Alex got to hit once I think, and I got to see my FIRST Cardinals game of this year.
  • Wednesday- I went to school and left right after to go to our track meet. It was a very big one too.I was In four events, long jump, 4x2,800,4x4. In the long jump, which I stood in line for 2 hours for, I didn't do so well. My very best jump was 11'11'' and that was after I put my hand back. Then in the 4x2 I think that we possibly got 5Th. We were third in our heat, but there was a heat before us so I don't know how well we did. In the 800 I got 3rd place. The good thing is that I beat my second to best time by one second. I got 2:46. So my best ever is 2:38, but the time that I get more consistently is around 4:47 and I beat that time by 1 second! The two Pleasant Hope girls are definitely the ones to beat... this time by the way there were two P.H. girls in front of me. Then in the 4x4 we got 3rd. There was 1st and 2nd real close together... then a big gap... then 4th and 5th... then a big gap. So nothing too exciting. After the track meet I rode home with Mom, Dad, and Alex. I was really excited because we stopped at McDonald's and I got a chocolate shake. I also got a McDouble which is one of my top 20 fav. foods, well hamburger... all the same. When we got home at 11:00 I was EXHAUSTED!!!! So I got right into bed, and slept in my track uniform and everything.
  • Thursday- This morning I woke up at around 6:45 so I could take a shower and get my stuff around for school. (all of my stuff had been tossed around and thrown on the floor the night before). So after my shower I finished getting ready and Dad took us to school because Mom didn't go to work... she is not feeling well. School today was not very exciting. In science we went over a test, we had homework in math that I got done in Art, In American history we did a review, in Art we worked on getting pictures for our water color, in P.E. we went to the weight room, and in English we went into the lab and did some research for our I Search Papers. I learned something weird yesterday... that gymnastics in Greek means "Exercising without clothes". My topic is the history of gymnastics, and It is a little harder to find than I thought. But I've got quite a bit of stuff to work on. After school we didn't have track practice... so I got to come right home!! That is the first time in like FOREVER! When I got home I ate some cookie dough, changed clothes, then went out to play with Bud. It was SO fun! We went down to the creek and played, and got all wet, then came back to the house and had some more cookies. Now I am blogging and putting together a list of songs that I want to buy for my Mp3 player. I'm trying to think... you should leave me a comment and tell my of any good songs that you can think of!!! That's a good idea!

Tomorrow the plans are go to school, watch the Extreme Team preform for us... then have track after school. So I should be able to blog tomorrow.

Leave me a comment with your favorite song or a song you think I should download... have a nice evening!!!


~Rachel~ said...

I have a new favorite song!!!!
Let it Go by Francesca Battistelli!! You've got to hear it!!

Anonymous said...

Never Far Away by Rush of Fools (Jim Brinkman version)

Remember Me by Mark Schultz

GC said...

Well, I didn't vote in your poll because I've never heard any of those songs. And if I told you my favorite one, you probably wouldn't know it, either. Actually, I don't think I have a favorite, although I like Let There Be Peace on Earth, Morning Has Broken, I'll Fly Away, Amazing Grace and Your Momma Don't Dance and Your Daddy Don't Rock and Roll. I like a lot of songs, I guess. And I LOVE your blog. Hope your mom is feeling better. I couldn't post to her blog.
Love you! GC