Monday, March 9, 2009

A wonderful Day

So today we were back to School! So my day was pretty good! I found out some VERY bad news about my science grade, but oh well, there isn't anything I can do now! So I will just get over it, one bad grade won't effect anything. So if you're wondering in first hour science we got our P/E and M/C tests back. On my multiple choice test I didn't do too bad 86%. It was the Performance event test that killed me, 51% or 51/100. So that wasn't good AT ALL! Second hour in Algebra 1 I had a very good time, we constructed cylinders out of paper today. We are learning about circles,diameter,circumference, radius, and all of that stuff. And we're doing this to get ready for PIE DAY!!! Pie Day if you don't know is March 14Th, 3.14. In math class we all bring in pies, or any round dessert, drinks, etc. Unfortunately pie day falls on Saturday and we don't have school on Friday, so we are celebrating on Thursday. I signed up to bring in napkins, and plates, so we took care of that after school today. Third hour in American history we talked a little about what to expect on Wednesday for the JEFFERSON CITY TRIP!!! We are studying government in American history right now, so we are taking a trip to Jefferson City to look at our system. The only bad thing is that we have to leave at 6:30 in the morning. Me, Leona, and Josie, had made a plan for how we could all get there at the same time, but when I told Mom she thought of something better. So I have to make some phone calls, and see how all of this is going to work out. But we are stopping to eat at McDonald's at around 8:00, and will them get there do some sight seeing, and eat our own packed lunches for lunch. Then we will finish up our tours and stuff, then eat dinner at McDonald's on the way home. So this is going to be a lot of time with friends on a bus, junk food, and laughter. So I'm VERY EXCITED!!!!! Now Fourth hour in FACS we started to prepare our last day of FACS meal. There are three groups, one is making chicken pot pie, another is doing chicken Alfredo, and our group is making Chicken Enchiladas. We had a very good group and finished up our food just in time. We put it all together, wrapped it all up, and stuck it in the refrigerator. So tomorrow all we have to do is cook it, and done, time to eat. This also will be a large treat, we won't go to lunch, instead we will stay behind and have our last FACS meal. Which I will miss, because next quarter I have to go to art. Fifth hour in P.E. we went to the weight room. It wasn't really too fun, but you know. Sixth hour in English we went over our previous assignments, and then got into these groups to discuss whether we thought Hamlet was insane or not. Seventh hour I went to Mom's room,put away some books, then cut out some pages that she had laminated.
After school I went to the middle school gym because it had rained and they waited to see what the weather was like before we went out to the track. So we headed out, warmed up, did a few laps, and then started running. We had to run 3 800s. My first one was pretty good, my time was 3:05, second time was 3:17, and my third time was 3:49, but by that time my legs felt like jello. Mom picked me up at around 4:30 and then we headed off to run some errands. So I am all set for my busy busy week. But the best part of it is that we have a 4 day weekend!!! WOO!! But that also means that we are going to be doing some major cleaning, which I don't like at all!! But I will be able to ride my four wheeler, play with the dog, and go down the the creek. I love the weekends! So I hope you are starting your week off good!


L.lovely said...

Sounds like a good day! I liked today. But it kinda stressed me out cuz of science. :[

L.lovely said...

ohhhh well love you.

L.lovely said...

YAYAYAYAY you are tooooooo cute! :]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]

L.lovely said...

awwww... :] hmmm... I wonder how many smiley faces I can fit on one comment. Well at least until I get tired. :]

L.lovely said...

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L.lovely said...

I got bored and tired. :] Love you! :]