Monday, March 2, 2009


Hello! Today has been fabulous!! I do have a little homework, but I am going to put it off for a little longer so I can blog. First thing is that I have been receiving comments lately(Leona) and I love them!! It is so fun to read then and know what you guys think. Now about my school day. First hour in science we had a journal that was really hard, and then had a worksheet to do. We were assigned different section to make of this really long graph, that has to do with sun spots and stuff like that. So that is my homework, to finish graphing, not too bad. Second hour in Algebra 1, Mr. Edington is of course still gone, seeings that his wife had a baby last week. By the way, I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE ALIYA! So in his class we had the worst substitute EVER! Just kidding, Really I'm just kidding, cause it was Papa Larry. I was actually excited, because he was our sub today and tomorrow. All we have been doing in class any ways is doing these worksheets. So that was good, and then third hour in American history, I threw a paper wad at Josie. Then we started reading out of the book, and got into a big discussion on government. My question was if the house of Representatives, was actually a house?? Which he told me that it wasn't, and we also discussed which state we would sell off if we had to. The majority said to sell part of Massachusetts.Fourth hour in FACS we went to the Tiger preschool. It was very interesting, and I learned a lot. When we got there, each person was assigned two little kids, which were either 4 or 5. Then they were instructed to pick out a book, bring it back and have us read it to them. So I had two little girls, we read several books, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Mmm... Cookies, and the Lonely bear. After that, we got out a puzzle and put part of it together before we ran out of time and had to move on to the next activity, which was playing catch with a yarn ball. They enjoyed that, and shortly after that we had to leave. Fifth hour in P.E. we went to the weight room. Me and Leona were partners, and had a great time. Sixth hour in English we started watching the movie Hamlet. Mrs. Halley always stops it to talk about how cute Mel Gibson is. She also said that at one of her conferences that she went to last week, a lady came up to her and said, "Hey your from S, are you that Bug lady?", which she is and now OUR grade is famous for our bugs. Seventh hour I went to Mom's room and put away some books, and then just relaxed the rest of the hour. After school, we had to take Alex up to basketball practice. Then Me and Mom went to a few places in town looking, we came back later and picked up Alex and then came home. Mom made some frozen pizza, and we ate that. But before that, I went outside and let the dog out so I could take him on a walk. We went down to the creek, and had a good time throwing rocks at the ice. Well I threw rocks, and he plays with sticks. Since I've had dinner I sat down to blog, and soon I will need to go and work on that graph for science. Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday, God Bless!

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