Friday, March 13, 2009


Good Afternoon everyone! It feels like morning but that's because Ive only been awake for a few hours ago. So today has just been very relaxing and wonderful! I've been just sitting around watching Glory Road, and talking to Leona, Bree, and Courtnee'. Oh, if you're wondering... NO SCHOOL TODAY!!! Or Monday so it is a super duper LONG weekend. Mom has been cleaning the basement, Alex has been playing video games, and I'm blogging. I am very happy though because Mom had to run to the store, so I made me and Alex lunch. I made chicken patties in the oven, and laid out pickles, cottage cheese, and some cheese its. Very random, but I was proud of myself. So now it is back to the same old boring stuff. I don't even have any pictures to share with you. So I guess I should be going now!! Not much to say!

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