Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Blustery Day

Hello! Today has been so great! This morning I woke up, a little sleepier than I would like, then got ready for church. This morning in Sunday school we watched part two in our making right choices video. It was also very exciting because Leona was there, and so was Gina and Josie. After Sunday school we went upstairs for church, which was led today by Abiding Faith, our drama team. They did so wonderful, they led worship, had testimonies, and several really funny skits. I learned today that I should show my crack in public, and you only will get that if you were in service today. So now that we are home, Mom is preparing lunch, which is going to be YUMMY!!! I am so hungry, and we're having my favorite, mac and cheese, fish sticks, and tacquitos. Alex is playing video games, Dad is on the other computer, I am blogging, and Bud is down in the bottom sniffing stuff. I still don't know exactly where the cats are. I saw Coco yesterday and got to play with him, but he disappeared. The house smells SO GOOD!!

I'm reading right now in my book, Princess in Waiting, by Meg Cabot, and it is getting really good. She is now in Genovia, giving speeches, and giving her opinions to all of these big places. If you read the books and get to know Mia's character, you'd know that she is very earth friendly, vegetarian, and donates lots of money to Green Peace. Her whole life she has grown up in New York City, and her mother has some strange thoughts her self. So the things she says to the government leaders is pretty funny. Here is a section of the book (it is a diary)

Monday, December 29

Royal Daily Schedule

Met with Genovian casino operators. Was discouraged by their insistence on maintaining valet parking for their patrons. Explained substantial increase in revenue generated by parking meters, but was rebuffed.

This is just a little paragraph.

So I had to stop in the middle of my post to go and eat lunch. It was SO GOOD! I'm stuffed! Later I think I am going to read some, go play with Bud, and look for Coco and Skit. So I am just going to continue to relax and enjoy!

Hope you have a HAPPY SUNDAY!!!


His Doorkeeper said...

Hi JM! I am Kelly's Korner's Mom and I just wanted to thank you for your sweet note on my blog! I am so glad you found Kelly's blog because God used you and many like you to pray for my grand daughter, Harper.

I know this is why she is alive and doing so well today is because of the many prayers that were sent to the Lord on her behalf!

I just had to come over and see your blog and let me tell you I was blown away by your picture! If you are not the CUTEST young lady!!! WOW!

Stay active in your young group and stay close to Jesus! He is always FOR you!

Thanks again for being so sweet!
Harper's Nonny,
Judy Martin

L.lovely said...

HEY Lovely! I love you! You are just the cutest. lol i laughed for a real long time when i read this post! I liked how you explained your walk. lol. well i had a great sunday! I cant wait to see you tomorrow! the comment above this is really sweet! that lady sounds really nice! i like her. :] so how is BUD! (not buddy) I had to catch up on your posts because i havent been on in a while! I had to read all of the ones that I have missed. lol you are so funny and cute. I love how detailed you are on every thing. lol when you explained the books i laughed. and it wasnt only because i am in a laughing mood. :] I am super duper excited for tomorrw cuz I get to see all of my awesome friends! :] love you very much and i will see you soon! By the way i love reading your blog cuz it brightens my day because you are so cute and you write cool things! lalalala! how is your chicken? mine is good but he misses his brother, choo. :] alright I will see you later.

P.S. Leclede is a very indeedly awesome county, after all. Bree has good taste in counties... :]

L.lovely said...

the way again! biffsal is the word varification! i love you and that would be super duper fun if you had me and bree over! YAY! well i love reba mac and cheese and you and also your dog even though i havent met him but i love him already also you are cute and stuff and i also like that CD too. and stuff... :] YAYAYAYAYAYAY! I am listening to like my like favorite like song like It is called BETTER IN TIME By: LEONA LEWIS! isnt that a really good name????!???!?!?!?! I especially like the first part of it! LALAL your chicken is cute .com. :] no non onononono no matter how hard it is... that is part of the song. :) lala I love to sing! today on the way home from youth i was singing in the car and it was super duper fun! YAYAYAYAYA!!??!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?

To: Rachel
From: Leona

I Love You. I hope that tomorrow will be awesome. I am mostly excited to see YOU and BREE! I love you guys so much. :]

P.S. your chicken is named PLAH. And my chicken is named Chu. And my chickens brother is named Choo. :]

Now is the time to repeat the word verification over and over and over
ready, set, go!!!!!!!!
biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal biffsal!

Also I am excited to see the cutest baby ever... ALIYA!!!!! Also I am excited to figure out if Connie is going to have a boy or a girl! :] I love babies! They are so little and cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you! Bye!

P.S. We need to have a H.A.M. club meeting soon. There are some very important and immberrassing things to discuss. :]

-Leona Lovely ♥♥-