Monday, February 23, 2009

No I don't want to do My homework!

Hey! Today has been wonderful I haven't had too much stress, but I do have a lot of homework. So here is how my day went. First hour in science we were assigned some more questions to do out of the book, and then we graded them. Actually we didn't get all the way through them, so I think we will finish that up tomorrow. Second hour in Algebra 1 we went over our homework from this weekend, which I did pretty well on. Then after that we were assigned some work book pages, and I was able to finish those in American history, thank goodness. Third hour in American history we were assigned a two page essay on this script of a trial that we read. It was kinda fun, but not really. I mean when you have a 15 page booklet where all the people say about the exact same thing, and half of the people reading show no emotion, or stumble over every other word. It is so hard to pay attention!!! I didn't really get much of it because I couldn't understand what they were saying. So this summary thing has been really hard. Fourth hour in FACS we read some more out of the text book, but we talked a lot about how to babysit and things that you should do when watching kids. Fifth hour in P.E. we got our 2 packets on badminton and basketball, because we were being bad on Friday. So those are due on Wednesday. I am about done with the first one on badminton, but the basketball one should be a little easier because I know more about it. Sixth hour in English we read scene 2 act 3 in our Hamlet books. I was one of the actors that preformed for the King,Queen,Ophelia,and all of the other royals. It was really funny, and Uncle Dad as we call the King(since he was Hamlet's uncle then married his mother) He was very insulted by the play because it showed how he killed Hamlet's father. We also had a character journal to do, so I also have that homework. I also got 4 bugs to color. I had a ton of minutes read so I got to pick out 3 bugs and 1 food for them to eat. I colored them when we got home from school. After school I got home and colored my bugs first off. Then I did my character journal, then I finished writing my summary for American history, and I have been working some more on my packet for P.E. It is going to take me a while, so I will work on the basketball stuff a little bit more tomorrow. I am very good at multi tasking, I checked my email, had some girl scout cookies, a glass of chocolate milk, started blogging, and looked at other people's blog while I was doing my homework for the last two hours. But the biggest news of the day was earlier this afternoon Dad and Papa came out to the house and set up the DOG PEN!!! YEA!! We are going to have our doggie out here finally. So here are some questions and answers!
  1. Who is going to feed this dog, seeing how I have to feed the cats, and I'm a girl so It's just natural for me to take longer getting ready in the mornings?
  2. How is Coco going to feel about another animal around, especially a dog; he's never seen one before!!!???
  3. How is Skit going to feel, he hasn't seen one either, and he runs away from people, how will we ever keep him around the house?
  4. We get to pick which dog we want at our house, either Rollo, or this other dog that Papa bought. Which one should we pick, the one that is familiar to us, or the other cute puppy?
  5. Where will we keep the food, basement is the last option because that means we would have to walk up the hill in our yard all the way up to the dog pen?
  6. If we get the other dog, what will we name it???

So here are the questions and Here are the answers.

  1. When we get the dog out to our house we will most likely have Alex be the one to feed him. I always feed the cats because I take the most care of them ( I remember to feed them) and I also pay the most attention. It also is true that 4/5 days Alex is ready for school before me, so tacking FEED THE DOG onto my list of things to do wouldn't be right. So Alex would most likely do it, unless for some reason he wanted to feed the cats, and I had tons of time on my hands.
  2. Coco, well I'm not sure he will take it too well for a while. He has only seen a dog 1 time, and that was this summer. Kingston was running around outside with David and the boys down here at our house. The dog ran at him and Coco took off hissing and climbed in a tree. He wouldn't come down for most of the afternoon. The next time I saw him was when we got all of the hot dogs out.
  3. Skit will be about the same, except for he SERIOUSLY HAS NEVER SEEN A DOG!!!! I have a feeling that he will be hiding like he used to, and only coming to the house for food.
  4. Okay, I lied, I don't know the answer to this question. Tonight we will be having a family meeting tonight so we can discuss which one everyone as a majority wants.
  5. Me and Mom have already discussed that we will probably keep a plastic tub with food in it under the front porch, and hook the hose up to the front spigot.

So here is the latest news, Dad, and Alex got home and we have been arguing over which dog to pick since they entered the door. We of course are going to meet them before we pick, but the votes so far look like this,

  • Mom-no dog
  • Dad-lab
  • Alex-Rollo
  • Rachel-lab

Well see how things turn out. Have a nice evening everyone!!! I think we are going to the girls home basketball game.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Sounds like your week has been busier than mine! I only start university for the year on Thursday!