Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brrr.... Freezing!!!

It's Brrrr.... Freezing outside today!!!
Idk..... lol. ( I started typing in texting words)
I don't know how cold it really is outside right now but it is darn cold!! I walked outside to feed the dog and water the cats and for the brief time that I was out there without gloves on my fingers turned numb. I thought that they wouldn't function ever again. They were so cold.
Today we didn't have school as you can see due to the FREEZING weather, our game was postponed, and our practice canceled. Also our basketball tournament was postponed.(was going to be this weekend)
I haven't done too much today just worked on a calendar. I made all the pages really cute. I will have to show you some pictures of it later.
Stay Warm....

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