Monday, September 21, 2009

HOME AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello! It has been a while since I've done an actual post. So here it goes...
Today we were supposed to have a softball game... but as you can tell by the pictures below it didn't happen.
It rained and rained, and rained some more... and is still raining and is supposed to all week. Bud wanted out so bad but it was pouring at this point. The game we were going to play was against Morrisville at home... the field was so far under water that we aren't even having practice either. The rest of my day was pretty good though... first hour in geometry we are starting chapter 2 and learning about patterns and stuff like that. I had some homework but got it done in advisory. Second hour in Biology we watched a movie that was pretty good... on the jungle. We are learning the parts of cells and DNA and weird wacky stuff. Third hour was American Government which we are studying for our BIG constitution test that is tomorrow. It is required by the state that we have to pass it, or retake the course. So I'm hoping I do well... it's not really hard information. Fourth hour is Spanish (which is SO confusing) and we had a quiz that was pretty hard. I don't know how well I did.... (ooops) but that's ok. Next was lunch and advisory where I got brownies from Bree and tomorrow we are getting candy bars from our advisory teacher. Fifth hour was P.E. where we played ping pong. It was pretty fun... then sixth hour in English we finished watching " Brother Where Art Thou" which was a really good and funny movie. In Seventh hour art we found out that the game was canceled and that there would be no practice. We had a sub that hour too so we just messed around the whole hour. After school it was SO nice to just go to my moms room and go right home. It is rainy and cold outside so im under the warm cover's blogging. I'm texting Leona... listening to music and taking short breaks and reading out of my book. It is SO nice. I have one more thing to say before I leave...


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