Monday, August 3, 2009

Vacation Part 2

Hey! Here is part two of our vacation. I still will have to post part three later.... and another for Grandma Marie's 100th birthday!!! But here is how our vacation went...As you may or may not know Mom had to take a trip to the emergency room for her kidney stones. She got some pain medicine and passed it the next morning. She is fine now and has been drinking lots of water.

Of course this isn't the real thing. We went back to the hospital to act it out.

Here she is... in horrible pain.

We saw a big bird on the beach and it was very cool.

Alex, cooling off in the waves.

For lunch we went to The Back Porch, which was a restaurant on the beach. It was SO good, and they had yummy shrimp.
This was our view from our table. PRETTY!!!

Here was Dad and Alex....

Mom and Me!!!

This was a very pretty side walk behind our hotel that was lined with palm trees.

Here was the inside of The Back Porch.

This was one of the palm trees looking at it straight up!

The rest of the afternoon the boys hung out while us girls went shopping. Then we went back to the beach for a swim. After we finished swimming we cleaned up and went mini golfing.

It was a really neat course that had pretty trees and landscaping. Here is mom getting ready to hit!!!

Mom and Dad!


They also had a HUGE giraffe!!! Here is me looking at it!

Alex and I were really little compared to it.

Here is Dad telling us the size of the wave and us getting hammered by it.

This is our family by the beach.... the last morning in Florida we all got in and swam!

This is me!

Then we packed up our things and headed to OPELIKA!

One more mini golfing picture of Dad and Me.

The Zumbiels took us to look at the Auburn swimming pool...

and football stadium....

And baseball field, where Alex thinks he might like to play!

We also went to an Atlanta Braves game. Which was super fun!! Here is the place where the torch was placed during the Olympics.

This is the Team Women's places for the Women's gymnastics. They had all the sports and it was very fun to read and see what names were there.

Here is Alex standing by the spot that Hank Aaron's record breaking homerun hit. Number 715!

Here is Alex standing in the place where Hank Aaron hit the ball that broke
Babe Ruth's record.

Here is me standing on where home plate would have been in the old stadium.

Mom and me at the game hiding under our umbrella.

Here was Dad and his way of staying dry.

It did stop though and we were able to enjoy the game. Here is Scott chopping!

Mom and Sydney!

Here is Sam and Alex with their rally hats on in the bottom of the ninth. We were losing 5 0 though. They did wind up losing to the Dodgers.

Here is Sydney with her tomahawk.

Since it was Friday they had Friday night fireworks after the game and they were AWESOME!!! I some how got a good picture of some.

This video above is of Alex BOOing Manny Ramirez.

This video is of Sydney Chopping and the Chick Fil' A cow chopping! I have some more videos from the beach too! But I will have to do them later. I promise that I will do Grandma Rie's 100th birthday post too!!!!!!

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