Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Busy Day #16 and 17... the storm!

Hey... I haven't got to blog in a while because we've had no power. The only big thing that has happened the last couple days was this big storm that came in on Tuesday morning at around 5:45. We were all asleep and apparently Papa called to tell dad that the sirens were going off. So we went to the basement, and I would have been getting up soon anyways. As we were going down stairs is started to hail, and it kept hailing for a really long time. When it was all over there were mounds of hail sitting everywhere. The power went out too, and we didn't get it back until this afternoon. So we have been living at Kay and Papa's house for the last two days. This is the bottom. See all the grass, how pushed down it is... well that is where the water was running through our yard. This is the front of our house.There are leaves plastered everywhere on it.
Poor Bud was scared... and we let him out to re-mark all of his territory that was destroyed.
This is me... tired from getting up so early, then falling back asleep, and then getting up and playing with a crazy muddy dog.
This is a hole that was left from one of the tees that was uprooted by our drive way.
Here is the tree, it's really cool looking but not good. Not good at all.
Here is Bud. The water here was across the road, it was just flowing right over it. Bud was being so funny. It was really windy and the leaves were just flying off the trees. Every time he would see one fall, he would run off and chase it. He was really cute.
This is the drive way, and the tree that they had to cut apart so we could get out.
This is more branches that are down around the house.
Another view of the drive.
This is a tree that fell... it is close to the bottom.
This is the leaves that I was talking about.
Bud... aw....!! Cute!
This is the big tree that snapped.
Here is our back porch. All covered in leaves.
We had no power so I was bored and took lots of pictures. This is the tree again.
This is a pretty bad picture but you can see how the top half of this tree just came right off.
This is the top of another tree that is in our front yard. It had branches all twisted in the front.
Here was our back deck and mom's fern laying in a mound of hail.

Just one more picture of the big tree. It is really bad at our house. There are trees down all over the place. I thought I would show you the reason I've had no time to blog.

Well today has been really relaxing. I went to weights this morning. Then I went to Kay's, and took a three hour nap. After my nap I watched TV and just hung around the house until Mom got home. I started doing laundry and folding and putting away clothes after we found we had power again. That's what I've been doing the whole night. Putting clothes in the washer then switching to the dryer, folding and then putting away. It isn't that hard, and actually kind of fun. Maybe just every once in a while. I wonder how many loads I've done??? 5 or 6???

Well I won't be home to blog for the next couple days and maybe more. We are going to Alex's state baseball tournament in Columbia. It is going to be a long drive. But we are staying in a hotel, and will get to swim, play and hopefully watch some good baseball games. I will take lots of pictures and make sure to post them when I get back. Have a good rest of the week!!!

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