Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ughh... Technology!

Okay... I finally got the computer to work. I have a ton of pictures so BEWARE! Also I will be adding "SOME", (A LOT) of pictures to Cool Pix tonight. So check it out.
Here is ME!
Mom and Alex after school. Her cute little classroom.
Here are some pictures from Mother's Day!
Tate getting tickled.
Stephanie,Drew, and Tate.
Steph, and Tate.
ME, getting to play with Charlie's camera. It was so much FUN and I took some good shots. Can't you just see me doing this as a job! It would be SO fun!!!
Dad and Alex. For mother's Day we got Mom two peonia plants.
Here is the incredible rain on Friday. I couldn't even take pictures it was coming down so hard.
I went outside to take pictures, and it was either... have cool pictures, or dry school clothes. After 30 seconds of pictures I chose school clothes, so I went inside and gave up.
This was the back porch.
Here is Alex's baseball game. He's the one behind the plate catching.
This is one of my favorite pictures because of the big lights on the field, and you can see everything!
Here is my Cutie Bug!
I love this picture because all three of my pets were sitting on the back deck at the same time. Bud was just minding his own bisiness, and Coco is watching him like a hawk. You can't see Skit because he has pushd him way in the corner.
I don't rememer when this was... but whenever we had the Gables over for dinner.

The computer is being dumb. So I will have to post later... man it has seemed like ages since I last posted. Well I have lots of pictures and videos to come.
Here is A video of Alex at his baseball game... umm... sometime.
I really like this one though because it was an AWESOME play.

1 comment:

GC said...

I like all your pictures. Yes, I can see you doing that as a job. And it would be fun! How was Alex's ballgame last night? I thought for a while I might get to come (I was pretty much caught up at work and I was going to skip the church board meeting), but then I remembered I had a city budget meeting that I couldn't skip. When do the guys play at Mickey Owen again? It's raining here - again! GC