Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Run Like the Wind

So track season if officially over!
Last night was our last meet, and conference too. I was in three events, Long jump, 800,and 4x4. Since our conference isn't very big the meet went pretty fast. Just that it was a long ways away is why we got home so late.
  1. Long jump- very bad. 10'10'' was my best, and that is far from my very best.
  2. 800- I GOT FIRST!!! This race was way closer though than any other time I've gotten first. The first lap I stayed right behind these two girls from Pleasant Hope, who beat me last time. Except this time they both were staying right by each other. So on the 3rd corner I started to pass one of the girls and she said to the other one " Go on with out me". So she sped up, but on the last 100 I got out in front of the girl and cut in to the first lane in front of her. At some point she grabbed my arm and was pulling and pushing me. I thought that I was going to fall down ( because I almost did) but I just stuck my elbow back and tried to keep her behind me. As I crossed the finish line ( IN FRONT OF HER) She was hanging off my arm, and both of them burst into tears. I guess I ruined their plan. They were going to cross the finish line together, holding hands. It was this one girls last meet before she moved, but I kept that from happening. So I have now won 3 first places! My time was 2:42 which is very close to my best time ever of 2:38. But did I mention that it was raining the whole time that we ran. I was soaked by the end of the night, along with all of my stuff. But before I end the story we still have 4x4.
  3. 4X4- We were ahead in the 4x4 until the end of the third lap. It always seems like they pass us at the same place, but I couldn't catch up with that girl. She took off, and we wound up getting second place. So I came out with 2 medals.
  4. In the end we wound up losing by 4 points. SO CLOSE! But I was really happy with the outcome of all my events, and the season in general.
  5. After the meet we stopped at Burger King and got some food. I was so hungry and tired. I ate a Jr. Whopper and chocolate shake. So when I got home, took a shower, and went to bed at 11:00 I slept really good. This morning though It was really hard to get up.
  6. Today at school we did quit a bit. We did a lab,review,we read,painted,had counselor, did book work, and that was about it. I did have a sketchbook to do, but I finished that. I also need to read, and do a little more with my I Search paper. I have one interview though, and can get the other one tomorrow. So this was the biggest night of the week. I'm very nervous for tomorrow though, because we have a big E.O.C exam that will take us two hours to work on. So please pray for me tomorrow. The exam will count as 10% of my semester grade, which will effect whether or not I'll pass. This class counts as a high school credit, that's why it's so important. The good thing is that it doesn't hurt my GPA. So have a nice day!

By the way, Bud has been staying much drier since we put up the tarp, and he has some chat to lay in instead of mud. And Mom has been getting better sleep.


GC said...

YAHOOO!!! Congratulations on your track meet yesterday and your medals. Wish I had been there to see it! Did any of the officials see the girl hanging onto your arm? She should have been disqualified. Anyway, good for you! I'm so glad you're so excited about my having the Internet at home. I think it will be a lot of fun, too. And maybe I will blog more often. But I don't need to stay up until 4 a.m. playing games. Maybe I will see you tomorrow night at Mickey Owen. I have some strawberries for you. —GC

GC said...

Oh, I'm at work right now, but I'm not doing much. I should be, but I have a really sore throat and my body is achy and I really just want to go home and go to sleep. —GC