Monday, May 18, 2009

No school... SUMMER!!!

That is the main thing that everyone in excited about. I'm getting very excited about all of my classes coming to a close... so I'll share my excitement with all of you!
  • Science- We took our final test today, and tomorrow we will look over them and spend the whole rest of the week doing nothing. Which we actually won't even be in class any other days this week.
  • Algebra 1- We took a last little quiz, and will be cleaning out binders and getting things cleaned out of his room. Which means basically that we will be talking all hour.
  • American history- I recited the battles today, and tomorrow I will hand in my 1/2 page summaries on them.
  1. Fort Sumter
  2. Bull Run
  3. Fort Donelson
  4. Shiloh
  5. Bull Run 2
  6. Antietam
  7. Fredricksburgh
  8. Stones River
  9. Chancellorsville
  10. Gettysburg
  11. Chickamuga
  12. Wilderness
  13. Spotsylvania Courthouse
  14. Cold Harbor
  15. Atlanta
  16. Appomattox Courthouse
  • Art- In art today we started our soap sculptures. I worked on mine in class today, and didn't finish so he had me take it home tonight and work on it. I finished it in seventh hour... so basically I'm done with art too. I will just have to turn in my sketchbook, and my soap tomorrow, then I'm done.
  • P.E.- In P.E. today we had a substitute and we got to play dodge ball. It was really fun, and we had a good time. We won't have anything in there.
  • English- In English we turned in our I-Search journals, and finished up some questions. I think that our I-Search papers may be graded by tomorrow. But I'm not sure yet. So really we don't have anything in this class either.
  • Seventh hour I'm in Mom's room and help her out. So today I didn't really have much to do. I put away some books and wrote some down on our inventory list. I finished up my art project in this class. So I don't have any homework tonight, and hopefully I won't have any more until next year. Or next school year I mean.

This is what is making me SO happy. I'm actually kind of excited about our softball practice tonight. It is at 8:00, but I think Drew and Tate have games, and the 5th grade girls have a softball game too. So we are going to go and watch those, and I will have practice.

We have our very first game on the 26th, which is coming right up. I'm so ready for summer vacation, and my birthday. I'm going to be doing some work for Mom around the house, while she and Alex are at summer school. Then I will maybe be going with Alex and we will do some work at the store. So I will hopefully earn some money and go shopping.

Have a nice evening!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

GC said...

So now it's only three more days? That's pretty exciting! What's the plan for your birthday? And Alex has a game when? Thursday, I think. Oh, yeah, your mom is supposed to let me know what time. It is cold tonight. I need to go to bed. Later. I love you oodles. -GC